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China-Vietnam: more carrot, less stick

Your trust has no meaning in world politics. The South Koreans understand this and are increasing their defenses not only against the North but also against Japan. Seeing Abe trying to steer his country back to stronger Japanese forces has led them increase the budget. There's a good reason why China and South Korea have strong hatred against Japan up to this day.
That is hilarious. vn keeps begging China for friendship, money, investment, electricity and etc.

You must be beyond an idiot to believe China need beg vn for anything.

Take care about poverties in China first, to limit such blasts or violations in Tienanmen Square, Taiyuan local CPC Office ... or somewhere else, kid.
All ASEAN needed to becareful with the poison carrots from USA, and China.
Running out of lies??? :rofl:

Take care about poverties in China first, to limit such blasts or violations in Tienanmen Square, Taiyuan local CPC Office ... or somewhere else, kid.
Friendship is mutual and cannot be begged. It seems that you have no idea how to earn friendship. It benefits to both China and those countries China visits. Just ask those countries whether earning China's friendship is on their top priority list.

As for your trust of japs, and about it learns its lesson???

If its textbooks keep denying there are any atrocities to asian countries, including China, during WWII, you call that "learn its lesson"??? You must be beyond stupid.

And China too dirty ,,, 

Today I trust Japan, Japan already learn her lesson. China will go through the same lesson that Japan, Germany, and Italy learn in WW2. 

If China dont need friendship from other countries then why your leader all the sudden visit all ASEAN countries. All ASEAN countries used USA, and China for their benefits. That's smart thing to do for ASEAN.
Running out of lies??? :rofl:

Friendship is mutual and cannot be begged. It seems that you have no idea how to earn friendship. It benefits to both China and those countries China visits. Just ask those countries whether earning China's friendship is on their top priority list.

As for your trust of japs, and about it learns its lesson???

If its textbooks keep denying there are any atrocities to asian countries, including China, during WWII, you call that "learn its lesson"??? You must be beyond stupid.

What is running out ? when you begged Russia 1950 and USA 1972. dirty beggar !

Forgotten "Beggar band" invented in China.:sarcastic:
What a joke. In 1950, kim begged China and Russia to save his axx. U.S. was not invading China, what did China beg Russia for??? Both countries coordinated the effort with China providing army while Russia providing equipment.

As for U.S. and China normalization, you seem to be another stupid idiot on this matter. It is U.S. who reached out to China at first. You forget Kissinger who flied to China first to discuss this matter???

What an idiot.

What is running out ? when you begged Russia 1950 and USA 1972. dirty beggar !

Forgotten "Beggar band" invented in China.:sarcastic:
Prior to even being elected president, Richard Nixon had talked of the need for better relations with the PRC, with which the U.S. did not maintain diplomatic relations as it recognized the Republic of China on Taiwan as the government of China. Early in his first term, Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger began sending subtle overtures hinting at warmer relations to the PRC government. After a series of these overtures by both countries, Kissinger flew on secret diplomatic missions to Beijing, where he met with Premier Zhou. On July 15, 1971, the President announced that he would visit the PRC the following year.

1972 Nixon visit to China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shows how Vietcongs like spreading lies, as you can see China didn't need to beg. The Americans wanted to have warm ties with China, so i believe you mean the Americans were beggars?
the Gulf of Tonkin has been delimited by Vietnam and China, it is not a disputed maritime border.
It is not related to the disputed areas in the East Sea (SCS).
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