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  1. E

    Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems

    I saw that when it was initially released on TED. I think it is interesting.
  2. E

    China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance

    It is not China only but BRICS.
  3. E

    Foreign direct Investment: America, China, Russia, Hong Kong at top

    I am surprised that russia is among the top ones...
  4. E

    JPost Report: 1,000 Chinese jihadists training in Pakistan

    Please help us get rid of those garbage. To be honest, you can do whatever you want: bomb them, burn them, shoot them, feed them to dogs...
  5. E

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    What is wrong??? Nobody else use it anyway.
  6. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    Just keep your hands off China internal affairs. The most you can do is to get CCP annoyed. The real effect is nothing. Will China make any policy change simply because you say so? Of course Not. For us Chinese, when we set off to do something, we are determined to finish it. As most Chinese...
  7. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    If you want to stay within the topic, you should have not fabricated what I have said earlier even though I have indicated numerous of times that uighur terrorists are just the few and we China welcome moderate uighurs. Your proclivity to fabricate something out of nowhere indeed exacerbates my...
  8. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    1.4 billion Chinese know that that WWII japs emperor is the biggest war criminal and should have been hanged. To that fxxker and other japs war criminals that should have been hanged, no derogatory anger or words can express the hatred Chinese have against that SOBs. bipolar??? :) We do not...
  9. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    It is after such long reading of negative remarks and irritating remarks supporting those terrorists. Your remark is not along the line and I should have just passed it. I do not intend to insult you for sure. I do not like the negativity there and I indeed react too much against that. As...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Check my posts here, I have indicated many times like: Uighur terrorists = terrorists who are uighurs <> uighur population Uighur terrorists = terrorists who are uighurs << uighur population I have said numerous times that we welcome moderate uighurs. Where is the blatant xenophobia and...
  11. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    Stop fabricating what I have said. Uighur terrorists = terrorists who are uighurs <> uighur population Uighur terrorists = terrorists who are uighurs << uighur population I have said numerous times that we welcome moderate uighurs. Give us clear examples what rights you are talking about???
  12. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    If you do not see the sensitivity/negativity involved, there is nothing further to say. You do not tell Chinese people with negative disastrous events to just show a point. Even for us Chinese, we rarely use such negative disastrous events just to prove it is a small possibility event. We do...
  13. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    First, what rights are you talking about? Entertain us... Second, there are a lot of uighur terrorists attacks happened in China, using knives, bombs, oxes and etc... a lot of civilians casualties as well... Those news are also reported here as well. Show me when you have denounced those...
  14. E

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    My comments in general is not targeted to a single person but those who have extreme ideologies and supported/sympathized with terrorists.
  15. E

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Terminology discussion??? Again, Uighur terrorists <> Uighur population Uighur terrorists = terrorists who are uighurs << uighur population muslim terrorists = terrorists who are muslims << muslim population As simple as that. How many times should I tell you that I consider ONLY those...
  16. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    You need apologize to all Chinese for support those uighur terrorists at first.
  17. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    If you are Chinese, I can take such comments a little bit. I do not think it is proper to use disastrous events against China to prove a point from Non-Chinese, even in sarcastic way. Try to go to Brooklyn to call African Americans "Niggers" and see what you get. It is similar scenario.
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    Uighur Support Thread

    You do not mind, that is what you think. I do have problems with such comments.
  19. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    What rights are you talking about then??? Entertain us... Give us clear examples...
  20. E

    Uighur Support Thread

    meteor/asteroid hits China??? That is positive for you??? If you like it so much, change the country to turkey. I would not mind at all.
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