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    China curbs Ramadan fasting

    fly2012, so you actually approve of this!?
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    Congrats Armstrong for completing 2000 posts

    Congrats buddy :D
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    1000 posts for Visitor messages?

    Heya there BlackEagle, how are you doing, my friend? Long time no see :D. For a sec I thought you were kidding and I went to double check, and you're correct, it's ten thousand posts not one thousand posts. How many members on the forum have 10000+ posts?!
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    1000 posts for Visitor messages?

    Hello. Alright, this 1000 posts thingy for visitor messages is too much. Now how am I supposed to talk with my friends on the forum here?
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    Should Turkyie Have the ultimate bomb?

    You're talking about the nukes of the nuclear umbrella of the NATO correct? If so, then Turkey can't use these unless they're given permission from uncle Sam.
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    Egypt's other revolution: Modernizing the military-industrial complex

    Thanks for the news, but it's too long and I can't read it all now. Can you please provide a summary?
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    Why Pakistan needs Israel?

    Okay this is a late reply. But I need to reply to truthseer and hussain. Truthseer, Israel has ceased attacking Muslims? REALLY!? What about the fact that Israelis break into Al Aqsa mosque, and continual Israeli air strikes on Gaza? You call that ceasing attack on Muslims? And what about...
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    Picture of the Day

    Isn't that the eternal fire burning in the Soviet gas field? ( I don't remember exactly where it was located )
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    If Burma won’t take Rohingya Muslims why won’t you, Bangladesh?

    If Burma won't take Rohingya Muslims, why won't Bangladesh? Because simply it's not Bangaldesh's fault that Burma won't take Rohingya. It's not Bangladesh fault that Myanmar is butchering and murdering Rohingya people. By this logic, any country can oppress a certain ethnic group or a religious...
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    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    All trouble that came to Pakistan came from Arabs? Name some of those troubles. Imagine being a friend to Israel and Iran ok, but to India? LOOOOOL. We're not the ones blocking a Pakistani-Indian friendship. Oh and btw, we did get rid of the 80 year fat old man just in case you don't know...
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    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    Without Pakistan' help we would all be Israel? No comment. What economic map? You actually seriously believe that Jordan has oil? I'm not acting naive, what nuclear umbrella?! Yes Saudi arabia did help pakistan and fund the program, and Pakistanis on this website said so themselves.
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    Saudi crown prince to visit Pakistan by end year

    I'm sorry I know this is off topic, but I gotta reply to Icewolf and SamranAli. First of all, when did Pakistan save the middle east ***? You say if it hadn't been for Pakistan, Middle east would be Israel. Lol what? We appreciate your contribution in the wars, but your contribution wasn't that...
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    Egyptians pelt tomatoes towards Hilary & taunt Egypt will never be Pakistan

    What do they mean by " Egypt will never be Pakistan "? In what thing do they mean that we won't be like Pakistan?
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    Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

    For the billionth time, just because Palestine was a part of another country doesn't mean that those who live there should be kicked out. Btw, before USA got its independence those there in modern-day America were called British. I think if Palestinians should give up their land to Israelis...
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    Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack

    The fall of Assad is no longer an " if ", but rather a " when ". Also, everybody seems to forget that massacring of Syrians by Assad started ever since protests started, even before the FSA was ever established. You claim that FSA are terrorists, but tell me, isn't FSA mostly ( if not all of it...
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    (New) Iraqi Air Force (IqAF) and Iraqi Army Air Corps

    As far as I know, IqAF is going to get F-16.
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    Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

    I don't hear US and Nato threatening and saying that invasion is an option due to human rights abuses. Oh right I forgot, they invade the countries they want only.
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    Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

    Public discrimination. Wow. Just wow.
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    Commander: IRGC Will Destroy 35 US Bases in Region if Attacked

    Actually I don't see how Russia and China are with you when they're neutral as you just stated. If Russia is really determined to face the USA, then why don't they help their buddy Iran? Why don't they veto the sanctions, and give you guys advanced weaponry? About nukes option, how isn't really...
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    Commander: IRGC Will Destroy 35 US Bases in Region if Attacked

    I wouldn't see Russia and China on your side. They didn't veto sanctions on you, and even supported them. Russia even refused to sell the S-300 system to you guys. About the US bases, if you attack those bases these countries will join the war on US side. Besides, you guys seem to forget nukes...
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