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  1. Raphael

    China is not 1914 Germany

    I agree that a Nazi Germany-China comparison is far fetched. Nazism is derived from Hinduism/Hinduvta. That's why Hitler was obsessed with "Aryans", the people who conquered the Indian subcontinent and imposed a caste system to enslave the inhabitants, and the swastika. The connection between...
  2. Raphael

    Russia prepared for military action in Crimea to protect ethnic Russians - senior Russian official

    Russia rattles sabre over fate of Crimea - FT.com
  3. Raphael

    Obama to meet Dalai Lama on Friday as U.S. urges talks with China

    I wonder how Michelle Obama feels about her husband meeting with a slavemaster. After all, she was descended from slaves herself. Why doesn't Obama care about humiliating his wife, and the 40M other African-Americans in the USA too?
  4. Raphael

    Asia's top two Iranian oil buyers boost imports as sanctions ease

    Even when the sanctions were in effect, China should have told them to f*ck off and bought the oil anyway.
  5. Raphael

    China will maintain a military spending growth about 10-15%

    The most important thing is not the size of the budget is, but how it will be apportioned. The priority should be jet engines, and other critical R&D.
  6. Raphael

    US may be collecting Chinese genes for bioweapons: report

    American genocide weapons is a legitimate casus belli.
  7. Raphael

    Mass murderer Anders Breivik to go on hunger strike over PS 2 upgrade

    What is the motivation for Indians who defend Breivik here? It is simply because he hated muslims?
  8. Raphael

    India opposes Bhutan’s diplomatic ties with China

    So creepy. This reminds me a lot of those stories of abusive parents who lock their children up in the basement, never allow them to interact with the outside world, and even make them eat their own fecal matter. Unfortunately, there's no intergovernmental equivalent to child protection services...
  9. Raphael

    Azerbaijan-America Alliance launches campaign on Khojaly genocide

    Was is really a genocide? We shouldn't be so rash to through these terms around.
  10. Raphael

    China invites India to join maritime silk route

    I don't think India has much choice here. It can either participate compliantly in a China-led framework for trade in the Indian Ocean region, or be strangled via our string of pearls in their very backyard. It's not a very hard task for the #1 trading power. Either way, when it comes to Indian...
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