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China is not 1914 Germany

Yes it is. Nazi Germany had a collapsing economy, and despite high employment rates (their only claim to success), real wages were collapsing in the decade before 1938, living standards plummeted, to the point where the German people had to live on rationing.

In fact, one of the key reasons for Hitler's policy of "Lebensraum" (living space) is that Nazi Germany was running out of resources.

India is far closer to Nazi Germany than we are. Your economy is shit, with consumer inflation running at double-digits, faster than wages are rising.

Not to mention that, like Nazi Germany, India is most famous for their system of institutionalized racism, the Indian caste system. Which is by far the largest system of institutionalized racism in the history of the world.

Not to mention the fact that your next President is a mass murder, and is nicknamed by many Indians as Hitler. :lol:
BS,The only thing Indians are good at is being conquered and being slaves of foreign invaders,not vice versa.
Like I said, we are the ones benefiting the most from the status quo. Why would we rock the boat? :lol:

India on the other hand, due to the collapse of the Rupee (and low growth rates) your nominal GDP is actually shrinking every year. Now you are down to $1.7 trillion, less than Canada or even Italy.

The longer you wait, the more you fall behind. All we need to do is keep stalling, as time goes on, we grow stronger. And you grow weaker.

The status quo benefits us, not you. As time goes on, your GDP falls, your defence budget falls in nominal terms, to the point where you now cannot even afford the down payment on the first batch of Rafales.

'There is no money left': Govt delays Rafale fighter jet deal - The Times of India

As for comparisons to Nazi Germany, they were most famous for having a system of institutionalized racism.

Sort of like the Indian caste system, except the Indian caste system is WAY bigger, the biggest in the history of the world in fact.

:woot: I can see your high level of insecurity there.

desperate attempts at trolling with the few basic repeated shit that you can muster.

You have a single race so where is the question of you having anything to do with any racism.

the comparison between Nazis and the the present Chinese is the attempt at expansionism that the CCP intends to do vie intimidation, the increase in defense procurement, bullying smaller countries, letting their parade armies, fishing boats and planes to go into other's territories, waiting for an accident to happen, and not least of all the superiority syndrome of the Chinese race - trying to raise armies of bots.

BS,The only thing Indians are good at is being conquered and being slaves of foreign invaders,not vice versa.


We learnt that trait from the Chinese.
ou have a single race so where is the question of you having anything to do with any racism.

the comparison between Nazis and the the present Chinese is the attempt at expansionism that the CCP intends to do vie intimidation, the increase in defense procurement, bullying smaller countries, letting their parade armies, fishing boats and planes to go into other's territories, waiting for an accident to happen, and not least of all the superiority syndrome of the Chinese race - trying to raise armies of bots.

This coming from Indians, who call themselves "Aryans"? :rofl:

The same Indians who practice the Caste System?

I'll tell you what, keep waiting for us to make a mistake. While we have "diplomatic spats" with our neighbors (with zero bloodshed), India has wanton bloodshed on all borders.

Hell, only a short while back, some soldiers on the Indian border had their heads cut off, and their bodies mutilated. Every other day there is a fatal shooting, on India's Bangladesh border you even shoot cattle traders and random civilians. On your border with Pakistan you shoot anything that moves, soldiers or civilians.

You are a Nazi Germany, but with less sophistication. Just mass murderers like Modi crying about Hindus in other countries, while butchering Indian Muslims by the thousands. No wonder you guys call him the next Hitler.

He even has previous first-hand experience with carrying out ethnic cleansing, something even Hitler did not have.
This coming from Indians, who call themselves "Aryans"? :rofl:

The same Indians who practice the Caste System?

I'll tell you what, keep waiting for us to make a mistake. While we have "diplomatic spats" with our neighbors (with zero bloodshed), India has wanton bloodshed on all borders.

Hell, only a short while back, some soldiers on the Indian border had their heads cut off, and their bodies mutilated. Every other day there is a fatal shooting, on India's Bangladesh border you even shoot cattle traders and random civilians. On your border with Pakistan you shoot anything that moves, soldiers or civilians.

You are a Nazi Germany, but with less sophistication. Just mass murderers like Modi crying about Hindus in other countries, while butchering Indian Muslims by the thousands. No wonder you guys call him the next Hitler.

More of your rants about India - but nothing on topic I see.
I agree that a Nazi Germany-China comparison is far fetched. Nazism is derived from Hinduism/Hinduvta. That's why Hitler was obsessed with "Aryans", the people who conquered the Indian subcontinent and imposed a caste system to enslave the inhabitants, and the swastika. The connection between Nazi Germany and India unmistakable, and we see the resemblance grow every day, because Nazism is the final evolution of Hinduism, a final attempt to expand the caste system and impose it globally on all people. That's why the US forbids Modi from visiting, even though it offends such an useful tool for containing China, because they don't want to be openly complicit with the new Nazism that's gripping India.
I agree that a Nazi Germany-China comparison is far fetched. Nazism is derived from Hinduism/Hinduvta. That's why Hitler was obsessed with "Aryans", the people who conquered the Indian subcontinent and imposed a caste system to enslave the inhabitants, and the swastika. The connection between Nazi Germany and India unmistakable, and we see the resemblance grow every day, because Nazism is the final evolution of Hinduism, a final attempt to expand the caste system and impose it globally on all people. That's why the US forbids Modi from visiting, even though it offends such an useful tool for containing China, because they don't want to be openly complicit with the new Nazism that's gripping India.


Philippine president compares China's expansion to Nazi Germany - Telegraph

Japanese Anime Portrays China as Nazis Bent on World Domination – chinaSMACK
Yes it is. Nazi Germany had a collapsing economy, and despite high employment rates (their only claim to success), real wages were collapsing in the decade before 1938, living standards plummeted, to the point where the German people had to live on rationing.

In fact, one of the key reasons for Hitler's policy of "Lebensraum" (living space) is that Nazi Germany was running out of resources.

India is far closer to Nazi Germany than we are. Your economy is shit, with consumer inflation running at double-digits, faster than wages are rising.

Not to mention that, like Nazi Germany, India is most famous for their system of institutionalized racism, the Indian caste system. Which is by far the largest system of institutionalized racism in the history of the world.

Not to mention the fact that your next President is a mass murder, and is nicknamed by many Indians as the next Hitler. :lol: He has already performed ethnic cleansing once.

Though to his credit, he does not claim to be an "Aryan" like many Indians do. :wave:

obsessed with India,are we??can't you guys simply discuss on topic???

BS,The only thing Indians are good at is being conquered and being slaves of foreign invaders,not vice versa.

coming from a member who never going to know what "Freedom" is..anyway,post is reported.
I agree with your points @illusion8

this is no age for "War"..now,war is going to be fought on other sectors.the best plan China should follow is "Pursue the path of prosperity,and with it,include some degree of freedom to its people" and include them for running their country.this age is going to be dominated by Democracy,not by Autocracy which is always flawed and tends to decline.along with it,they should improve relationship with neighbours and shouldn't incite tensions among them.see,Germany's demand of WW-I (July Ultimatum)was more just that what China is demanding,an entire "Sea".while it looks like China is intending to carry out their claim and probably dispute aren't going to settle soon,this simple "Expansionist" idea is going to complicate the situation further with their neighbours.
I agree with your points @illusion8

this is no age for "War"..now,war is going to be fought on other sectors.the best plan China should follow is "Pursue the path of prosperity,and with it,include some degree of freedom to its people" and include them for running their country.this age is going to be dominated by Democracy,not by Autocracy which is always flawed and tends to decline.along with it,they should improve relationship with neighbours and shouldn't incite tensions among them.see,Germany's demand of WW-I (July Ultimatum)was more just that what China is demanding,an entire "Sea".while it looks like China is intending to carry out their claim and probably dispute aren't going to settle soon,this simple "Expansionist" idea is going to complicate the situation further with their neighbours.

China isn't WW vintage Germany - far from it, apart from the entire SCS, their expansionist policy includes land in various countries - including India, Mongolia, Russia, Burma, Bhutan etc.
Yes it is. Nazi Germany had a collapsing economy, and despite high employment rates (their only claim to success), real wages were collapsing in the decade before 1938, living standards plummeted, to the point where the German people had to live on rationing.

In fact, one of the key reasons for Hitler's policy of "Lebensraum" (living space) is that Nazi Germany was running out of resources.

India is far closer to Nazi Germany than we are. Your economy is shit, with consumer inflation running at double-digits, faster than wages are rising.

Not to mention that, like Nazi Germany, India is most famous for their system of institutionalized racism, the Indian caste system. Which is by far the largest system of institutionalized racism in the history of the world.

Not to mention the fact that your next President is a mass murder, and is nicknamed by many Indians as the next Hitler. :lol: He has already performed ethnic cleansing once.

Though to his credit, he does not claim to be an "Aryan" like many Indians do. :wave:

ok this is still not about India. so lets get back to China. :pleasantry:
obsessed with India,are we??can't you guys simply discuss on topic???

coming from a member who never going to know what "Freedom" is..anyway,post is reported.

He just laid out the facts about india that is common knowledge even for the poorest Chinese people.
Like I said, we are the ones benefiting the most from the status quo. Why would we rock the boat? :lol:

India on the other hand, due to the collapse of the Rupee (and low growth rates) your nominal GDP is actually shrinking every year. Now you are down to $1.7 trillion, less than Canada or even Italy.

The longer you wait, the more you fall behind. All we need to do is keep stalling, as time goes on, we grow stronger. And you grow weaker.

The status quo benefits us, not you. As time goes on, your GDP falls, your defence budget falls in nominal terms, to the point where you now cannot even afford the down payment on the first batch of Rafales.

'There is no money left': Govt delays Rafale fighter jet deal - The Times of India

As for comparisons to Nazi Germany, they were most famous for having a system of institutionalized racism.

Sort of like the Indian caste system, except the Indian caste system is WAY bigger, the biggest in the history of the world in fact.

You make a good point comparing racism to India. The Nazi swastika was copied from Indians. And the Nazis called themselves the Aryan race, a Sanskrit origin term from India. The Nazis were comparing themselves to the Aryan invaders of ancient India.

China is different from Germany and Japan.Nothing can make our nation as aggressive and mad like what their countries have done in WWII.Our national mentality is different from them.People live in colder places are tend to be mare aggressive and militant.

really, I thought China can be very cold as well. I don't believe its the climate, but the attitude of the people.

BS,The only thing Indians are good at is being conquered and being slaves of foreign invaders,not vice versa.

True, but Indians are dreamers of big empires. They take the British India and regard all territories under the British Raj as part of the Indian nation. Even though India itself have always been a geographical expression like Arabia or Balkans.

This coming from Indians, who call themselves "Aryans"? :rofl:

The same Indians who practice the Caste System?

I'll tell you what, keep waiting for us to make a mistake. While we have "diplomatic spats" with our neighbors (with zero bloodshed), India has wanton bloodshed on all borders.

Hell, only a short while back, some soldiers on the Indian border had their heads cut off, and their bodies mutilated. Every other day there is a fatal shooting, on India's Bangladesh border you even shoot cattle traders and random civilians. On your border with Pakistan you shoot anything that moves, soldiers or civilians.

You are a Nazi Germany, but with less sophistication. Just mass murderers like Modi crying about Hindus in other countries, while butchering Indian Muslims by the thousands. No wonder you guys call him the next Hitler.

He even has previous first-hand experience with carrying out ethnic cleansing, something even Hitler did not have.

Seems like Hitler is a great leader in the eyes of average Indians.
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He just laid out the facts about india that is common knowledge even for the poorest Chinese people.

and here we are,thinking that China is keeping their people blind by their propaganda... :rofl:
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