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  1. Armstrong

    Open Debate | Ideal direction of Pak-Afghan relations.

    It is not - Reciprocity is the keyword here; Trade with India & letting them Trade with Afghanistan are mutually linked - There is little point in allowing them to trade with Afghanistan & to Central Asia in turn if we're not allowed access to the Indian Market with the non-tariff barriers...
  2. Armstrong

    Open Debate | Ideal direction of Pak-Afghan relations.

    Oh come on its more than that - If the Indians aren't gonna water down their non-tariff barriers that defeat the very purpose of 'free or liberalized trade' than how can we possibly be blamed when we look at the MFN Status that India gave us in the '90s & rightly conclude that the document is...
  3. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    A stooge - Is that so ? So when one runs out of arguments - Personal attacks is the way forward - Very PML N like...I must say ! :tup:
  4. Armstrong

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Most of Afghanistan & Pakistan was British Indian territory & before that the Mughal Empire which would arguably give Turkiye rights over it least of all India ! Furthermore I did not say based on the Tang Dynasty - I said 'since' the Tang its been a part of China & only in '43-'49 did Soviet...
  5. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    @HRK Bhai - Do you know of any racist jokes that I can crack against Biharis ? :unsure: Yeh @Secur ziyadii haiii free ho giyaa haii ! :mad:
  6. Armstrong

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    You mean when the Soviets backed Separatists in Xinjiang from '43 to '49 to sell the idea of an Independent Uighur State that had been a part of China or Chinese Empires since the Tang Dynasty ?
  7. Armstrong

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    I have never....not once condemned Indian atrocities against her own Muslim Population - Whether they flourish or whether they are whipped out is something I don't give a foOk about ! Kashmir is a different issue - Its not India ! And whenever Pakistanis have ever mentioned Indian Muslims...
  8. Armstrong

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Pakistan will always support Turkiye heck if you were to take a vote tomorrow most Pakistanis would advocate going to War if Turkiye were ever attacked - Our Bond is there ! But our bond with China is also there & most Pakistanis would go to War for China too ! Its best not to make this into...
  9. Armstrong

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    There was no 'vote' so far as I know ! And we don't decide on the basis of such things; we are a highly emotional nation & that doesn't always end up translating to 'best decisions' but tis true that just like most Turks would pick Azerbaijan over Pakistan...most Pakistanis would pick China...
  10. Armstrong

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Half of the pictures you posted in your 'Uighur Support Thread' were about Uighur groups advocating Independence ! We don't think there is any issue of Uighur Rights being denied to them in China; I haven't been to Xinjiang but I know people who have multiple times (business trips every month)...
  11. Armstrong

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    We don't support Uighur Separatism & see their propaganda in the same vein as we see Baluch, Kurdish or Armenian Propaganda !
  12. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    I don't need a bloody certificate from you to prove whether I am or I aren't; the fact of the matter is that had that Punjabi Villager been the racist fella that you are - the Kashmiris, the Pukhtoons, the Baluch & others in Punjab would've been sent packing a long time ago !
  13. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    Your racism for one; heck if the native Punjabis were half-as-racist as you are you & I - as ethnic Kashmiris - would've been kicked back to Kashmir long...long ago !
  14. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    No we'd exchange the 2 million Illegal Bangladeshis residing in Pakistan (as per our records) for the Biharis who wish to be a part of Pakistan - Five million illegal immigrants residing in Pakistan – The Express Tribune
  15. Armstrong

    Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US

    Meh...Indians; even a Fart becomes a 'Chemical Attack' for them so I don't bother anymore ! :unsure:
  16. Armstrong

    Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US

    What the heck are you doing here ? :o: Welcome back Brother ! :cheers:
  17. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    What truth do you know if you don't wish to see it right in front of your own eyes ? Over 100,000 IDPs reach Bannu - thenews.com.pk An official of the district administration told The News that the influx of IDPs is continuing. He said 109,021 people had reached Bannu so far while many have...
  18. Armstrong

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    So far I haven't come across anything to suggest that the Punjab Government said that ! Furthermore if the IDPs are arriving in Rawalpindi (Punjab) as the article I posted above said so, why would they say that we won't allow them in when they're already allowed in !
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