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Poll: Turkey's possible future union

In which union do you want Turkey in ?

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My observation which is just an observation is that Pakistani feel more connected to China than Turkey.

There was a thread few months ago and a poll. The poll asked if you had to choose Turkey or China which one would you choose? Majority of Pakistani choose China over Turkey.

There is nothing wrong with that. We just have to state the truth.
Yup, That's another proof that this Ummah thing is a hoax. BTW, China gives them technology, helps them in many aspects, like JF-17, ... So, they chose the stronger partner over their muslim brother country!!! That's a logical decision, though ;)
It is not only one person. Some of them were really unfriendly about Uyghurs, as well.
@Armstrong What's wrong with some of your fellow pakistanis? They are really hot headed about their ummah thing which it irritates me.

We don't support Uighur Separatism & see their propaganda in the same vein as we see Baluch, Kurdish or Armenian Propaganda !
Yup, That's another proof that this Ummah thing is a hoax. BTW, China gives them technology, helps them in many aspects, like JF-17, ... So, they chose the stronger partner over their muslim brother country!!! That's a logical decision, though ;)
Good for them !

We don't support Uighur Separatism & see their propaganda in the same vein as we see Baluch, Kurdish or Armenian Propaganda !
We don't support uighur terrorism either. But we do support uighur human rights and you don't ..
We don't support uighur terrorism either. But we do support uighur human rights and you don't ..

Half of the pictures you posted in your 'Uighur Support Thread' were about Uighur groups advocating Independence !

We don't think there is any issue of Uighur Rights being denied to them in China; I haven't been to Xinjiang but I know people who have multiple times (business trips every month) & they didn't see anything of the sort !

Its just propaganda - The same kind of propaganda that the Kurdish Nationalist use to talk about an Independent Kurdistan, the Baluch Separatist use to talk about an Independent Baluchistan or the Armenians use to talk about the Armenian Genocide !
i do believe though that Pakistani bros and sisters only choose China because China offers them more than Turkey does now. We cannot protect Pakistan against India. Neither do we have much serious systems to sell them yet. Neither do we have the international political nor economical card to back them up. Most importantly, we are far away in bad times. If i was Pakistani, i would have chosen China as well. bitter reality. But i do trust that Pakistani bros and sisters would have voted for Turkey if Turkey could have been an equal alternative for China.
i do believe though that Pakistani bros and sisters only choose China because China offers them more than Turkey does now. We cannot protect Pakistan against India. Neither do we have much serious systems to sell them yet. Neither do we have the international political nor economical card to back them up. Most importantly, we are far away in bad times. If i was Pakistani, i would have chosen China as well. bitter reality. But i do trust that Pakistani bros and sisters would have voted for Turkey if Turkey could have been an equal alternative for China.

There was no 'vote' so far as I know !

And we don't decide on the basis of such things; we are a highly emotional nation & that doesn't always end up translating to 'best decisions' but tis true that just like most Turks would pick Azerbaijan over Pakistan...most Pakistanis would pick China over Turkiye - Not because of some materialistic connotations but because throughout our tough times in History when even our so-called Muslim Brethren abandoned us - China stood by....we remember that !
i do believe though that Pakistani bros and sisters only choose China because China offers them more than Turkey does now. We cannot protect Pakistan against India. Neither do we have much serious systems to sell them yet. Neither do we have the international political nor economical card to back them up. Most importantly, we are far away in bad times. If i was Pakistani, i would have chosen China as well. bitter reality. But i do trust that Pakistani bros and sisters would have voted for Turkey if Turkey could have been an equal alternative for China.
I have also no doubt about Pakistani support to us. :tup:
We don't support uighur terrorism either. But we do support uighur human rights and you don't ..

Notice that he said "uighur separatism" not "uighur terrorism". Now the question becomes, why do you reflexively associate uighurs with terrorism so much that you would misread his words like that? ;)
I have also no doubt about Pakistani support to us. :tup:

Pakistan will always support Turkiye heck if you were to take a vote tomorrow most Pakistanis would advocate going to War if Turkiye were ever attacked - Our Bond is there !

But our bond with China is also there & most Pakistanis would go to War for China too !

Its best not to make this into a Turkiye vs China thing just as its not very comfortable answering who'd you pick in an Azerbaijan vs Pakistan thing - Lets keep both mutually exclusive of each other !
Pakistan will always support Turkiye heck if you were to take a vote tomorrow most Pakistanis would advocate going to War if Turkiye were ever attacked - Our Bond is there !

But our bond with China is also there & most Pakistanis would go to War for China too !

Its best not to make this into a Turkiye vs China thing just as its not very comfortable answering who'd you pick in an Azerbaijan vs Pakistan thing - Lets keep both mutually exclusive of each other !
I agree im also tired of all these childish discussions, Pakistan is and will stay our bro Nation no matter what other bootlickers say. :cheers:
definetly europe. EU was once a journey, a role model to just to get developed. But suprisingly, I do believe that we may be accepted into EU maybe a decade later.
turkey is too good for eu.
they accepted countries in worst condition then turkey into eu and gave you guys excuses not to let you in and still you want to be in eu?
Maybe because of associating too much with your guys ? What do you think ?

That would be a shame. Everyday he comes to our section to troll and post articles about China's "imminent collapse". But no Chinese is influence by his propaganda. But because we point out the links between some Uighurs and global terrorist movements (all Chinese recognize that only a minority are linked to terrorism), he now reflexively associates Uighurs in general with terrorism. Talk about losing the psychological war :lol:.
That would be a shame. Everyday he comes to our section to troll and post articles about China's "imminent collapse". But no Chinese is influence by his propaganda. But because we point out the links between some Uighurs and global terrorist movements (all Chinese recognize that only a minority are linked to terrorism), he now reflexively associates Uighurs in general with terrorism. Talk about losing the psychological war :lol:.

He only made a typo. Atatwolf is hardcore pan-Turkic... i don't think he'll change any of his opinion even subconsciously.
That would be a shame. Everyday he comes to our section to troll and post articles about China's "imminent collapse". But no Chinese is influence by his propaganda. But because we point out the links between some Uighurs and global terrorist movements (all Chinese recognize that only a minority are linked to terrorism), he now reflexively associates Uighurs in general with terrorism. Talk about losing the psychological war :lol:.
Some of your guys was even asking for genocide on Uyghurs before, seems like we are making progress. :)

Psychological war in a forum? Well, whatever makes you sleep better. :-)
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