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  1. Ceonwulf

    Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

    It is amazing reading many of the ill informed and pure conjecture based posts in this thread. Twenty four pages, much of it pure bull-shit. So many people here who think that Britain could not defend/retake the Falklands if they were attacked! It is truly humorous to make such statements...
  2. Ceonwulf

    Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

    The LPD will displace 19,000 tonnes, be around 200 meters long and will not have a ski-jump. This means it is smaller than the Spanish and Australian variants and will not be able to operate fixed-wing aircraft, only helicopters. Turkey is not purchasing F-35B.
  3. Ceonwulf

    U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts

    Its a pleasure reading through your posts. Very informative and a reflection of your knowledge and experience on the subject matter. I particularly like your references to real life operations and applications of the tactics you are trying to explain (like the one above regarding Vietnam)...
  4. Ceonwulf

    U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts

    On the contrary, the UK appears to have considerable experience with both 4.5 and 5th generation engines: - The EJ200 used in the Eurofighter Typhoon is based on a Rolls Royce prototype and Rolls Royce has the largest production share of the EJ200. - General Electric and Rolls Royce developed...
  5. Ceonwulf

    U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts

    I don't think its a case of a lack of technology, but rather that their current defense budgets are far too small to realistically fund a project to design and build a 5th generation fighter. The UK has proved with Taranis that it has advanced stealth technology, Typhoon is evidence of...
  6. Ceonwulf

    Should India spend Rs 1000cr on a single fighter jet?

    IMF estimates put Indian GDP at only $1.7 trillion in 2013 due to weak Rupee and rising inflation. So no, India should not buy fighter jets! BTW, IMF estimates Chinese GDP to be at $8.9 trillion in 2013. :china:
  7. Ceonwulf

    Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry

    You stupid fool Hermione! That figure of 20% for Britain only refers to children born to low income families (i.e families that live on less than 60% of the average national income). In Britain only a very very very small percentage of families live on less than 60% of the average national...
  8. Ceonwulf

    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    In comparison to Indian submarines, the PLAN submarine fleet is highly modern. But of course, neither China or India can compete with the modern nuclear submarines of the USA and Britain, or even the modern SSKs of Germany and other advanced European countries. However, China is continually...
  9. Ceonwulf

    Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry

    Well according to a United Nations report, 5,000 children under the age of 5 years old die every day in India. Yes that's right, 5,000 children dead every day!!!!
  10. Ceonwulf

    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    India's only combat experience at sea was against the poorly equipped and poorly prepared Pakistani Navy. That is not "decades of combat experience" you peasant. The Indian Navy doesn't have any modern air-defense destroyers and its submarine fleet is ageing, obsolete and poorly maintained...
  11. Ceonwulf

    Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry

    I have seen you write that you hate Britain several times. But in the absence of any particular reason why you hate Britain, I can only assume that it originates with your feelings inferiority and historical grievance caused by Britain. I will can also confidently make the assumption that you...
  12. Ceonwulf

    Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry

    Remember that those considered "poor" and "starving" in the UK would be considered "wealthy" and "well-fed" in Africa and third world countries like India.
  13. Ceonwulf

    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    The Indian Navy is weak and pathetic. Its submarine fleet is ageing and bordering on obsolescence. Look at the recent explosion and sinking of Sindhurakshak!:omghaha: It is simple evidence that the Indian Navy is pathetic and unprofessional and poorly maintained. Also, the Indian Navy lacks...
  14. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    You sir are deluded! I never once said Australia is more powerful than China. I only said that China lacks the power projection needed to deploy its armed forces overseas and fight wars. Therefore, while China could literally crush ANY nation in Southeast Asia (India etc) China would not be able...
  15. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    FairAndUnbiased, Australia is located in Oceania, not Southeast Asia and is well out of Chinas military reach. Lets look at this simply, China v Australia. Australia has a sizable modern fleet of ~14 destroyers and frigates, ~80 - 90 operational fighter aircraft and 30,000 highly trained...
  16. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    Its doubtful Israel would take a conflict nuclear by launching a nuclear strike on Britain or France... Jews are not as retarded and as small minded as little brown Asians.
  17. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    Yeah because China is really capable of deploying a full sized and fully equipped combined arms task force over 1,500 miles away and beat a technologically superior enemy. ffsake :disagree: unless China has discovered the ability to teleport it armed forces around the world China has no power...
  18. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    Syama Ayas and Tridibans, No strategic depth?! Since when has been spamming 1,000s of little brown people in green uniforms equated strategic depth? The difference between the USSR and India is the USSR was an industrial superpower and mobilized over 20 million men during WW2. Its also worth...
  19. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    And exactly why does India deserve to be above those nations you mentioned? Especially Britain and France. India is a toothless tiger, looks good on paper, nothing more.
  20. Ceonwulf

    Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

    China - while it could literally wipe its *** with India in a war could do jack **** in a conflict against Australia. Chinese military power manifests itself purely as a land based military force thanks to its overwhelming size, sheer firepower, a moderate technological level and adequate...
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