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  1. below_freezing

    Indian Army preparing for limited conflict with China: US intel chief

    on which indicators? in value of black money, illegal immigration (both in and out), average calorie intake, number of absolute poor, number of illiterate men below the age of 30, Engels Coefficient and other indicators of social instability, India all fares far worse than China. The most...
  2. below_freezing

    Indian Army preparing for limited conflict with China: US intel chief

    I think Congress is using China as a distraction from India's internal problems so they can get some more black money to Switzerland.
  3. below_freezing

    Putin declines to host China’s future premier

    what's to say they're not correct simultaneously? do you really believe what you write?
  4. below_freezing

    Putin declines to host China’s future premier

    Facebook =/= google. Google is not banned. I'm sure Americans trust a Leviathan government with their true names, age, address, photographs, political and religious beliefs, thought patterns, habits and real time location. Heard its useful for hunting down those who don't pay the 1/3...
  5. below_freezing

    China 1992, India 2012

    science: the number of scientific articles published by India is 100 times lower than the number published by China with equal citation rates. space: no Indian space station in orbit and only recently mastered multilaunch, something China did in 1981. RD: the patents held by Huawei, a...
  6. below_freezing

    Putin declines to host China’s future premier

    Facebook is banned because its a CIA database. If you enjoy giving your true name, age, address, photographs and thought patterns to Langley, Virginia, then all I have to say is :rofl: BBC is not censored. Twitter is a CIA database as well. There are many tourists on the Qinghai-Tibet...
  7. below_freezing

    China 1992, India 2012

    Translation: India is the perfect field slave to service the white imperialists by picking cotton and the perfect incredulous bumpkin to buy our insanely high marked low quality goods.
  8. below_freezing

    China and UAE ditch US Dollar, will use Yuan for oil trade

    I'm starting to gain more respect for the Gulf Arabs. It takes guts or insanity to do something like this, especially when your currency is pegged to the USD and there are US troops stationed in your country.
  9. below_freezing

    Putin declines to host China’s future premier

    BS, who said we were a 3rd world dictatorship? I never said anything, I just asked him his opinion.
  10. below_freezing

    Putin declines to host China’s future premier

    Take a look at China. Not Shanghai, Beijing, or Hong Kong, you'll kill yourself from depression. Look at Qingdao, Nanjing, Changsha, Chengdu, Wuhan. Then look at Mumbai. Tell yourself, this is a 3rd world dictatorship. Then ask yourself, what am I?
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