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  1. Cambodia Spirit

    Guangxi Liberation Army in the border areas of mass gathering

    ...and even if Laos does offer them somewhere to hide, there are nothing can prevent the Chinese to search and destroy the greedy Yuon. I think my brother Laos is not stupid enough to get involved in such risky conflict. Vietnam loves to threaten using such "nuclear", "ambush", " biology"...
  2. Cambodia Spirit

    China's first aircraft -carrier

    When the government though about building an AC, they surely had though about the financial and technologies for maintaining that. That's non of your business and no need you worry about, you know nothing what your bosses though. I think China AC incident in recent time is more likely a...
  3. Cambodia Spirit

    Taiwan hails missile as 'aircraft carrier killer'

    when you don't have the ability to read and comprehend the meaning of what I have wrote then keep your mouth shut and be quite. Don't pretend like you are too innocent!!! However, if your reply above was for teasing about my English, then I would not give you a **** for that mocking job. All...
  4. Cambodia Spirit

    Taiwan hails missile as 'aircraft carrier killer'

    Taiwan this time is going closer to the mainland, the warm relation will continue far further in the future. The reason Taiwan building up their military is for countering the Japanese and Vietnamese not their fellows Chinese. Clowns who want to stir up conflicts between Taiwan and China are...
  5. Cambodia Spirit

    Problems in China's Far West

    hah, that's what I wonder before, they report about China negatively with irritated mocking jobs!!! ...and how about NDTV? do you know them? those bastards are worst than the Al-Jazeera!?
  6. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnamese Dissident on Trial for Subversion

    While the World situation becoming worst, plus the U.S. is struggling with its national crisis, the Vietnam is more freely to suppress its people without any attention. Vietnamese anti-communists living outside Vietnam had been put in the corners by the West because of useless value at this...
  7. Cambodia Spirit

    Land seizures in China's Kashgar fuel anger among Uighurs

    Show the pitiful victims some respect, would you feel comfortable when someone saying the same to your people!? Take down your false flags!!! The real Canadian will "burn" you instead!!!
  8. Cambodia Spirit

    China’s First Space Station Module Readies for Liftoff

    Is that space module too small?? How could scientists living and working in that for a long time?
  9. Cambodia Spirit

    Who is Mongolia?

    Mongolians today are going closer with the West especially the U.S. Damn you can't image how the Yank influence the Mongolians, also there are many Mongolians in Russian army. The Korean and Japanese have sent many spies to Mongolia for stirring up the troubles between China and Mongolia, those...
  10. Cambodia Spirit

    Flight Ops on China’s Carrier

    Man & Han stay under one house, no racist please!!! How about Bao Li Gao or Tiequan Zhang, both of them have made many prides for the Chinese!? :lol:
  11. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    Modern tactical warfare depend on: 20% practical skills, 25% experiences, 5% luckiness and 50% advanced weapons. I think Taliban gunners are more excellent in tactics and having great morale than the Vietnamese commandos in recent time and the World has been witnessing how Taliban got their...
  12. Cambodia Spirit

    China & Thailand vow to advance military ties

    Based on my witnesses, at least those people are loyalty to Thailand and the King, the King is half of Chinese in blood, the Thai love the King so they have good reason to support those Chinese-Thai ministers. Plus Thais are open mind people, they get involved with Chinese peacefully and the...
  13. Cambodia Spirit

    China Russia relations

    That's why the West have reasons to look down on your Chinese, not only the West but any nations your Chinese had immigrated in. Because they blame you take away their jobs, influence their country by culture, political and also ethic dual to Chinese marrying with the locals. With the situation...
  14. Cambodia Spirit

    China Russia relations

    Chinese have the habit of immigrating to new lands, despite how bad about the lands the Chinese still want to leave their hometown country, such as racist Russia or crisis Middle East or even Africa. What I could say, as a Chinese could you explain me about how your people though about that...
  15. Cambodia Spirit

    China Russia relations

    Sadly many Chinese are still in Russia and nothing can protect your fellows from being tortured by the Russian extreme!!! You can't say that irresponsibility way!!!
  16. Cambodia Spirit

    China Declares War on Drought

    Singapore has an excellent one, why don't ask them for help or even buy!!!??? Taiwan, an island lonely in the sea, I think they may have good technology too!!!???
  17. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    That becuz they are West, they are cocky and underestimate oriental mights, just like how Mongolian lost the war long time ago because those people have no experience with southeast asian geography and guerrilla warfare. But Chinese are absolutely different, the Chinese with a long history of...
  18. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    If thing going easily like you though, then USA would be scared out the **** by your viva Vietnam and North Korea too!!! :D Again like what I've said above, the whole world defense industries would be a joke under great Vietnamese warfare philosophy. :lol: Please give up your sophistry...
  19. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    hah, big mouth again, you can imagine anything that can cure your insecure feeling, if those sea mines are not enough then you can image to something bigger like a tsunami :lol: If those sea mines are good enough to defend a modern marine warfare then nations around the World would not spend...
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