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  1. Soryu

    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    You forget "bloody border war with Vietnam" in 1979, sir ... :coffee: You're not peaceful country like you pretended, you're just hide yourself follow Mr Deng words until recent day, but no more now ...
  2. Soryu

    Japanese warship arrives Vietnam

    He don't want to admit it, bro ... mighty China is very good at copy everything ... :D
  3. Soryu

    Vietnam's Lies Exposed! Photos of Vietnam ship hitting Chinese patrol vessel released

    LOL, Finally, Chinese member can crying happy because they can show off something prove they're "victim" :lol: ... ( But in early, all they said are how PRC ships can do this and that, and shut their mouth or get lost when anyone asked about proof of "Vietnamese aggresive ... :rofl:) Yeah...
  4. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Kid, your words are ridiculous joke and nobody take it serious, just like China 9-dash-lines. Ignore the fact and my questions can't help you hide it, your Govt is liar and you were fool by their propaganda ...
  5. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    What law then !? What international law allowed Chinese draw a ridiculous map in 1947 and got right to possesses South China Sea !? Who accepted your illegal actions by military force and robbed other countries Island still now !? Who recognized Paracel and Spratly belong to China but yourself...
  6. Soryu

    Japan's stealth jet prototype 'to fly this year'

    What's this TRON system !? Japan can't rely on US forever, in future, when China grown more power and more aggresive, Japan need her own shield ...
  7. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    So give information about what force they will be delivery, when will they come, how their operation in SCS ... If you can't do that, so stop your post. I noticed you post same image some time, this will waste forum resources, kid ... Joke is you, you're in propaganda from PRC, believe in kind...
  8. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    @Hu Songshan can you move mr Cirr's post to Chinese defense section !? THIS IS SOUTH CHINA SEA NEWS DISCUSSIONS. NOT PR THREAD FOR CHINESE DEFENSE INDUSTRY ...
  9. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Sorry boy, your trick was old ... :pop: I explained it in another thread ... but Mod has move it to somewhere ... At before 1975, almost Vietnamese education text book was printed by PRC, who's simply play dirty trick at everytime ... :coffee: In those book, only mention about Xisha and Nansha...
  10. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    ignore my question !? :pop: Give proof, buddy ... :D PVD letter can't give your 9-dash-lines any excuse ...:lol:
  11. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Can you give proof about what you said !? :D Your stupid proof like Pham Van Dong letter can't help you prove SCS belong to China, buddy ... :lol:
  12. Soryu

    Vietnam fooling no one in maritime dispute

    disputed and non-disputed areas, buddy ... :lol:
  13. Soryu

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    you shall ... :D me or him, bro ... :D
  14. Soryu

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Did anything that you said related to this thread, high boy !?
  15. Soryu

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    No matter what proof we have and they have with Paracel and Spratly Islands. They want 90% SCS inside 9-dash-lines, include those Islands ... Chinese never can explain what the hell was 9-dash-lines (11-dash-lines, but later 2 lines were deleted in Gulf Tonkin location on the map).
  16. Soryu

    Video shows Japanese jets intruding in China’s ADIZ

    LOL, Yesterday, Chinese members said PRC Govt don't want go to PR battle and no need to released anything on net and blah blah blah .... Now they post this video for what !??? :lol:
  17. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    come Vietnam first, sir ... :lol: remember now ... :D
  18. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Who's girl in your avatar !? :smitten:
  19. Soryu

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    You have problem with read and understand my words, buddy !?
  20. Soryu

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    No, I found it appear very much in Chinese pathetic net fiction, with main char's just like some guy on here ... :rofl: Nobody "admitted" anything, read that again, again and again, nothing like that was mention about ... :pop:
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