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  1. scholseys

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Absolute power will give Modi the license to commit a genocide on Muslims, he is already worshiping assault rifles.
  2. scholseys

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    This Modi bloke is suspicious, with his past record.
  3. scholseys

    Bangladesh's Football world cup 2014 madness :D

    Grown men wearing jerseys sickens me...
  4. scholseys

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Mass murderer Modi worshiping weapons before he commits genocide on Indian and Bangladeshi Muslims.
  5. scholseys

    I will go to India again a thousand times - A Pakistani Student who was beaten in Pondicherry .

    You are allowed to do that in Islam to save your life. Mass muderer Modi is likely to commit genocide on the Muslims.
  6. scholseys

    I will go to India again a thousand times - A Pakistani Student who was beaten in Pondicherry .

    Our flying Lungi Brigades are at it. Now Pakistanis are looking at it..India to be part of the Ummah? I like the name Indistan.
  7. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    kool story, Indian.
  8. scholseys

    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    The smart ones go to India. Indian smart ones go to the US, its also known as brain drain.
  9. scholseys

    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    Hungry India does not need an 8000 KM range ballistic missile.
  10. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Thus the 'closet'...
  11. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Mike Brando for the Prime Minister of India...
  12. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    You also appear to be a closet Sikhophobe. Threat noted...I may call the Flying Lungi Brigade...
  13. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    It appears you are not a big fan of a free Khalistan
  14. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Think Khilji and do not delete this informative post.
  15. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Try dealing with the Flying Lungi Brigades of Bangladesh first, stupid Indian :lol:
  16. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    I can't help you think, stupid Indian.
  17. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Our flying lungi brigades are at it...
  18. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Our Rohingya brothers just like our Sikh brothers need greater autonomy. Bangladesh has their full support.
  19. scholseys

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Khalistan is part of the Greater Pakistan. At first, it needs to be liberated. Bangladesh has Khalistan's full support.
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