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Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

Khalistan is part of the Greater Pakistan. At first, it needs to be liberated. Bangladesh has Khalistan's full support.

What :woot: did you say Bengladesh's full support lol, Bengalis are already moving to India in swarms, Bangladeshi's Say is just like a 2 year old toddler's say, Either no one listens even if they cry too much no one would care :D So you should first fix your problems with Myanmar.:rofl:
This is like the blind leading the blind...

Here we have a specimen who wants a separate nation, with no plan as to how the dynamics of that nation will actually work (given a landlocked mass surrounded by 2 massive countries)...and then we have Pakistanis blindly supporting the idea, not realizing that the biggest "pound of flesh" for this demand will come from their beloved homeland...

the interaction is comical and quite entertaining...
start with more difficult one.. pakistan
khalistan is nothing without lahore. guru nanak was born in pakistan occupied punjab. @RAMPAGE :pop:
No, we will go for the easy one first, Plus Indian has more land and resources to be worked with against them
What :woot: did you say Bengladesh's full support lol, Bengalis are already moving to India in swarms, Bangladeshi's Say is just like a 2 year old toddler's say, Either no one listens even if they cry too much no one would care :D So you should first fix your problems with Myanmar.:rofl:
Our Rohingya brothers just like our Sikh brothers need greater autonomy. Bangladesh has their full support.
Our Rohingya brothers just like our Sikh brothers need autonomy.

The you should help them get that, They can have a big chunk of land from India and enjoy we will give them certain privileges but sorry no Land :D
Khalistan is part of the Greater Pakistan. At first, it needs to be liberated. Bangladesh has Khalistan's full support.
Our Rohingya brothers just like our Sikh brothers need greater autonomy. Bangladesh has their full support.

What exactly does your support even mean? In what way will BD supporting this demand help Khalistanis?
I can't help you think, stupid Indian.


Why would I think about this? Its you presenting your unwanted support, either prove your support means something or continue trying to pretend like your country has any significance in this matter...
come on.. if you win pakistan.. we will just run away... you dont have to fight two wars...
wear your thinking hat man ( i mean metaphorically of course).:girl_wacko:
Okay, Mr pussy cat, go run and hide inside your lungi
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