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  1. scholseys

    Chinese company to get Tk 1,200cr this month

    There are hardly any investments in Bangladesh, both private and foreign. You can't even make 'black' money 'white' to invest, thus Bangladeshi nationals are keeping them in foreign banks or investing else where through laundering. Not to forget, too many bad loans in the banking sector, our...
  2. scholseys

    STRATFOR: US fears a German Russian Alliance the most

    Who the hell follows Stratfor anymore? it is so Bush era...
  3. scholseys

    Russia Plans War Against US Dollar

    It will be in the drawing boards for a long long time..
  4. scholseys

    Sri Lanka imposes curfew after Buddhist-Muslim clashes

    Time for our Muslim brothers in Sri lanka to pickup arms...
  5. scholseys

    The myth of the 1400 year old Shia-Sunni conflict

    What extremism? Shias are lost brothers, sooner they embrace the Sunni way, we can carry on and create the Ummah.
  6. scholseys

    Japanese politician says US also forced French women to be comfort women for allied forces in WWII

    This isn't comforting at all, let Japan declare war on the US..no?
  7. scholseys

    Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips forced to leave Dhaka

    Whoever the hell this dude is, he has one badass name, I approve this name!
  8. scholseys

    Why Awami League terrorist allowed entry inside india?

    Good! Awami Leaguers are leaving the country. The rest will be in the Bay of Bengal, I think...
  9. scholseys

    Sheikh Hasina's painting goes viral on facebook

    I'd buy this painting if I had change lying around...
  10. scholseys

    Do You Also Flirt with your Sister In Law?

    I never flirt, I am true to women...They seem to think its flirting, It also appears they like it...strange creatures!
  11. scholseys

    China may be going down the old Soviet path to disintegration

    I think I should open a think tank...
  12. scholseys

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    This appears to be one of the contributing factors of Vietnam's problem, with talks about Vietnam acquiring weapons of mass destruction. What do you think?
  13. scholseys

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    Both third world heavens. Most intelligent post of the year, no wonder Vietnam is a third world heaven.
  14. scholseys

    ‘India shouldn’t impose its will on neighbours’

    This Chanakyan cannot be believed.
  15. scholseys

    Bangladesh offers to train Lebanese Navy

    Hezbollah's strategy will not be applicable for Bangladeshi, external factors will also play a bigger factor.
  16. scholseys

    India to press for rail, road transit

    She is coming to Bangladesh to give the green signal to Hasina to commit genocide on Bangladeshi Muslims.
  17. scholseys

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    China will carpet bomb the Viets into the stone age before it happens.
  18. scholseys

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    China will have a refugee crisis...
  19. scholseys

    Bangladesh offers to train Lebanese Navy

    You have got to be kidding!
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