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  1. GCTom

    OECD Predicts China #1 Economy by 2016

    It will be no big deal if China's economy become the largest in 2016, 2025 or 2050 as it's per capita GDP is still so low compares to others. What is more important is for China to raise its per capita GDP and solve many of China's current internal problems to create a well-off society.
  2. GCTom

    China's 'Sharp Sword' stealth drone makes maiden flight

    Really? So, when will Canada and Poland going to introduce their next great stealth drone/thing?
  3. GCTom

    UK is not for 'Tibetan independence'

    Irregardless what religion or politic was in the Tibet area in the past, Tibet is now as an inseparable part China as Hawaii, Texas, New York a part of USA.
  4. GCTom

    India plans to deploy 100,000 more troops on China border

    India can send as many men as it like to within its recognized border, but China will react accordingly to its sovereign security needs.
  5. GCTom

    Russia Delays India’s 5th-Gen. Fighter Program

    When have the US officially encouraged India to join the F-35 consortium? The best chance of India getting a 5th Gen Fighter is from Russia and India knows it too. As other have said on this thread, 5th Gen fighters are expensive and are getting more expensive too. Just look at the F35, how...
  6. GCTom

    Russia will strengthen positions in Asia-Pacific region

    Russia in the last few decades have been a reliable friend to China. Until Russia acts other wise, straengthen its relationship with East Asian countries is not one of them, then that friendship shall stand. There is no reason why China should not welcomes Russia to be a conductive and...
  7. GCTom

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    Catching up to the Americans have never the end game anyway. It is always have been about bettering oneself.
  8. GCTom

    MEGA Corruption in China's PLA!

    Even with this "MEGA Corruption in China's PLA", China is still able to develop 2 fifth gen fighters, refit an aircraft carrier, produce many sea ships and submarines and altogether developed a defense strong enough that no other countries will thinking of invade it again(like what happened the...
  9. GCTom

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    It was never about copying anyway. It have always been about learning from others. This is what you have do to when your have fallen behind so much, economically and technological, because you just came out of western occupation and civil wars. China and its people, with their great...
  10. GCTom

    India losing space race to China

    I, and the chinese government too, do believes all other nations when given a chance at peace can and will develop fairly. China, India and Pakistan is no exception. It is one of the reason why China went into African countries and help them develop. Deep down, China knows that it can develop...
  11. GCTom

    India losing space race to China

    It is an Indian article. There is no denying it that Indian have an obsession with China in economic, technological and political spheres. But there is no need for it to be. Soon, Indian, and Pakistan too, will develop competitively in all those areas. Given time, when Pakistan got its...
  12. GCTom

    India losing space race to China

    "India losing space race to China " Some of these Indians must get this through their head: China is not on any economic, military or space race with them. With or without India, China will continue to economically and technologically develop at its own pace. Stop the non-sense obsession already.
  13. GCTom

    China Signals Interest in Afghanistan

    China and Pakistan have desire to see Afghanistan as peaceful and functional country. It is the interest of Afghanistan and its neighbors to work together to achieve these goals. Yes, there are non-governmental undesired elements within Afghanistan and Pakistan that are delaying these goals and...
  14. GCTom

    China Signals Interest in Afghanistan

    It is simple really. Afghanistan need money for development and have natural resources for sale and China have money and wants to buy natural resources. So, they are natural trade/development partners. Who else is able to loan Afghanistan large sum of money for develoment? Not EU, USA, some...
  15. GCTom

    Korea as Number One

    Why people need to be so nationalistic and unsecured. What is with all these braggering anyway? South Korea have made great stride politically and economically and they should be applauded for it. However, I don't see why some Chinese/Korean members need to bring China into this. The progress...
  16. GCTom

    Will India's missile test trigger arms race with China?

    China will continue to modernize its military to meet its defensive requirements as its economic and trade relations grows. Whatever missile tests, rather Agni-5, 7, or 25, India might take will not affect China's progress and decision.
  17. GCTom

    China says India is a 'partner, not rival' after missile launch

    The Chinese government had always see/wanted to work with India, like all other countries, as peaceful and equal partner; long before India had any long range missiles tests.
  18. GCTom

    PHP Warns China Ship #310

    How long does it take to refuel and replenish food supply for BRP Gregorio del Pilar? The Filipino navy chief Alexander Pama said that warship was only pulled off to resupply and will be send back to the disputed area. Will it be ready soon?
  19. GCTom

    China escalates stand-off with Philippines!

    This is what the Filipinos get for trying to arrest civilians in a disputed area with their biggest naval warship. The Filipinos started the fighting, but it will be the Chinese to decide how, where and when it ends.
  20. GCTom

    20 Viet Fishermen arrested !

    Oh really? Do you have a copy of the verbal and written contract between China and Ukraine that you can show us? Or are you just posting baseless infos?
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