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  1. G

    Taiwan military jets fly into overlapping zone with China

    I must admit this is smart move of Chinese to dismiss the Japanese ADIZ. Even our dog India would not even dare to create ADIZ with Iran or other nation.
  2. G

    How HQ-9 against the JASSM-ER !

    Nice animation YouTube you post oldman1, did you copy and paste?
  3. G

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    Make me lol, We US and Russian let you see the product right in your face and never see you get things right. We never let china see the products and they can still get it right. Russian is stupid to help you Indian so much, give you everything tech to everything even Agni engine booster now...
  4. G

    Chinese Submarines - are they noisy?

    China sub make by Chinese is like a car run without a wheel, lol china sub noise like a motor bike.
  5. G

    The accuracy of China's MLRS

    The MLRS will be the one to wipe the Indian? The Indian said Agni tech was the transfer tech from the Russian and they have the MIRV tech transfer secret by US. Do you think you Chinese can kick their ***? I would like to see that happen.
  6. G

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    So you Pakistani ready to kick the Indian ***, they missile Agni technology was Russian give to them and we gave them the MIRV tech. So you little Pakistani better watch your ***, they will invade your country soon or very sooner.
  7. G

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    You really A DUMB Indian, I'm not Pakistani or Chinese. I'm a USA white man, we gave you the tech in secret. We know your stupid Agni lady is just a make up, that technology is Russian give it to you dumb bell. We provide you MIRV tech, let see if you can master ride it dumb bell little island...
  8. G

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    You such an idiot Indian, we know your Agni tech are given by the Russian. We provides you the MIRv tech, you dumb Indian people don't know how to make anything. If it is not given by us and Russian by secret, you dumb bell cannot make it.
  9. G

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Lol MIRV, we American give the tech and you still cannot make it. What ashame little Indian idiots.
  10. G

    China new Light Tank (mountain tank) in field test

    Assad we will bomb you tomorrow.
  11. G

    China to build more aircraft carriers

    I love to see china growing stronger everyday. Love more modern to china military.
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