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  1. N

    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    @tvsram1992 am not able to send u msg due to my mobile phone browser.... i did explained everything in my previous thread started by user neutralcitizen but i guess u not keeping track of it.... To meet arcturians you need to do few things. This things will change you as a person.... First thing...
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    China’s coziness with Bhutan rings security alarm for India

    your assumption is wrong India's meddling in sri lanka by supporting ltte and voting against sri lanka got 1000 indian soldiers killed your pm killed and a pro china sri lanka, don't be surprised if you see chinese naval base in lanka in the next 10 years.
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    China’s coziness with Bhutan rings security alarm for India

    Bhutan is now trying diversify from relaying on india to much give it a few years and they will be like sri lanka. some indians fear bhutan will become another sri lanka.
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    China’s coziness with Bhutan rings security alarm for India

    if india is scared it could try the sikkim move. sri lanka joins the indian union.
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    huge UFO next to the ISS

    ........................ UFO's by ISS 21st June 2012 - YouTube
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    Saudi Arabia Hajj help

    thanks zakii you have been a tremendous help to me, thank you my brother I will pray for you as well.
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    Saudi Arabia Hajj help

    Out of all the people I thought it would be you mosa that would welcome this. :unsure: as for religious education my parents did send me to the mosque every weekend when I was a kid I found it boring didn't even show up some times.
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    Saudi Arabia Hajj help

    so what I should be going for is an umrah, thank you for correcting my mistakes. I intend to to go myself possibly in the next few weeks.
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    Saudi Arabia Hajj help

    thanks zakii I plan on going for 2 weeks. agree this isn't a vacation. I'm Muslim. wrong again. thank you brother best wishes.
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    Saudi Arabia Hajj help

    I been thinking on taking a Hajj very soon but I have a few questions it's my first time ,how long will it take to complete the Hajj ? Any good recommended places to stay ? any possible additional tips or advice.
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    Live TV: China's Shenzhou-9 docking mission

    Congrats China all the best of luck.
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    The next few wars in the middle east ? the issues with Israel Iran Syria aren't the only problem.
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    the mountain turks in the middle east ? you know turkey has been at war with them for a while, they got 1/4 of their dream in iraq with Iraqi kurdistan but they want the whole kurdistan with syria going in flames likely syrian kurdistan this will embloden the kurds for iranian and turkish...
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    Mosamania and BlackEagle whats your opinion right on the kurdish problem ? the kurds want land from Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran and right now the next civil war in Iraq could between the kurds and arabs do to the oil rich regions and autonomy the kurds right now have a better trained military...
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    They were with British commanding as well you did better then the Israeli's at that time.
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    Any Plans from the Saudis or GCC on building their own tank ?
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    But you fought to keep it as apart of jordan not palestine But I will give you props you did better then Syria and Lebanon under british command and the most modern units.
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    Look I'm trying to have a decent discussion with you, right now no arab country can fight israel or the usa because you also lack one thing arabs had in the past a superpower backing you with equipment the closet thing I see to this is Russia and China but no arab country has a very close...
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    So you agree jordan fought for it's own ambitions ? no united command no cooperation what good is mass amounts of troops if you cannot train them well or mobilize them.
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    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    incorrect both the gulf war 2003 and libya showed it. refer to my post on how you lost palestine in 1948.
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