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  1. rcrmj

    India Deployed Combat Jets Mistaking Migratory Birds for Pakistani Drones

    no, your highness is specially designed for parade only, like Arjun, LCA and LCH what an ignorant Indian``lol every other nation's radars can detect birds or even smaller objects (yours are all imported anyway) but the funny part is that the so called 'software power' cant make decent lines...
  2. rcrmj

    China and The Art of (losing) War

    how funny, those primitive and uncivilized Indian are talking about foreign rules, cheap human life and rape in massive scale, :D seriously, their average 81 IQ is the bottomless gold mine of funny jokes. I think it is the only human race that is self-loathing, subjective, intellectually...
  3. rcrmj

    China $8.53 trillion economy in 2012 (>50% USA and >500% India)

    we wouldn't mind few brainwashed Dalai $cums to join the 'shining' India, as yours are already filled with disgusted and $cums in the super slums, few more wont do the difference
  4. rcrmj

    China $8.53 trillion economy in 2012 (>50% USA and >500% India)

    the experiences in India can only be described as disgust, uncivil and overwhelmingly unpleasant, so I wouldn't say that author is 'racist' but took the india reality a bit further I may say
  5. rcrmj

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    'A Russian analysts' how well authentic !! maybe Indians should not only buying all sorts of weapons from Russia, and also now the 'Russian Analysts'! based on which your grand strategies in dealing with China should be drawn upon`` do I have to complain to the Russians ? I guess not, its...
  6. rcrmj

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    it is a hypothethis, not even close to a touch of reality, whats left to discuss? the meaning of post such thread by the OP cannot be more explicit to troll :D
  7. rcrmj

    China Science & Technology Forum

    pretty cool stuffs have displaced here`` depending on the pace we have now, I don't think it will take us like 50 years to be top innovator as I initially believed. don't know whether you guys have been following the news lately, the central government starts to crack down corruptions in...
  8. rcrmj

    How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

    Vietnam learnt a hard lesson--if you want to get things done in time, indian are the last you can think of
  9. rcrmj

    How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

    this is coming from a primitive person who is from a feudal society where their air force can be well labelled as widow maker, and from bullets to ships they have to directly import from other countries. even those Taliban caveman are capable of making some homemade weapons which potent enough...
  10. rcrmj

    How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

    come on man, have you still not get the idea that Indians are good for nothing but verbal farting? they have been jumping up and down like a global clown for these years, like making alliance with this and that, or will be 'popular' here and there, but their low intelligence and primitiveness...
  11. rcrmj

    How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

    north Koreans think their country is most 'developed' and 'prosper' in the world, and they seriously to believe that western weapons are all 'junk' I guess malnutrition does have severe effects on human's brains```well, here we go, N.Korea and primitive India is leading in this field`:D
  12. rcrmj

    Shame map of India

    human beings are least respected in that feudal society, 1% high caste and pale skins enjoy the most privileges as those Tibetan aristocracies before 1950s.
  13. rcrmj

    US giant Walmart quits India after venture ends

    in real world walmart considered as a place to buy the cheapest daily goods, those poorest people are their main customers in the U.K and U.S.... it is a bit up class in developing countries like China and Thailand. but the implication shows that India, as much as self-bragged 'economy giant'...
  14. rcrmj

    US giant Walmart quits India after venture ends

    your stupidity and ignorance does not speak for truth $400bn worth of high tech products exports a single year and names like 'Huawei, zte, lining, Lenovo, ZPMC and AVIC seem neglectable to backward indians
  15. rcrmj

    Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

    FYI, Indian contenders came last at PISA test every time participated and dead bottom at every single discipline by whom considered to have the best education resources in that primitive India```:lol:
  16. rcrmj

    Moody's: India's GDP growth rate halved in Q2 of 2013: Now 4.4%

    Indians talking about fudging figures, lol, if one day some organizations came out to down grade India's GDP under $800 billion I wont be surprised, as no one else in this world that counts GDP as Indians do (main techniques involved - 'boasting', 'hot air' and 'fudging')
  17. rcrmj

    Moody's: India's GDP growth rate halved in Q2 of 2013: Now 4.4%

    Pakistanis they don't boast about their economy or technology, but the primitive Indians do all the time, matter of fact, a bit research of past threads you'd be surprised how deluded and brainwashed Indians are. like for example...
  18. rcrmj

    Moody's: India's GDP growth rate halved in Q2 of 2013: Now 4.4%

    a sound economy is backed by sound manufacturing capability, R&D level, a consuming real mid-income class (not the $2 per day India standard mid-income), a functioning government, a skilled labour force, an educated population and culture identity.. India seems to have none of those crucial elements
  19. rcrmj

    Moody's: India's GDP growth rate halved in Q2 of 2013: Now 4.4%

    you have serious problem to differentiate hating from reality check
  20. rcrmj

    Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

    a virtual feudal society where people's social class is not determined by their intelligence and hard work but by their skin color and family name, with 1billion unnourished half-wit going bed hungry every day, with world's worst city planning and lowest hygiene standard, its work and business...
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