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  1. rcrmj

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    apart from indian propaganda, everyone knows that without Brits there is going to be no modern country called India
  2. rcrmj

    China export version of 054class frigate

    the guy i know said the longest shoot he fired was against a small target (over the horizon) and the range was around 24KM, quite impressive indeed! even though he said on HQ-16A's manual, it has 40KM effective range against various targets HQ-16G is on the way, but I do not think its range...
  3. rcrmj

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    lol, the americans will go madddd```and some of their subjective yet primitive Indian will go along with it```look``post 27 is a fine display :lol:
  4. rcrmj

    The New Evil Empire - United States of America

    lol, this one i can assure you that so called Indian software industry is no more than a bunch of standard nerds doing very basic manual data inputting, the process which seems too time wasting and none skilled in the west, so a pay like Chinese street cleaner would entice so many poorly...
  5. rcrmj

    US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

    i just merely spoke the truth of being an Indian``which is full of jokes``and disrespected everywhere``no?
  6. rcrmj

    China's new 'carrier killer' for Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder fighter

    your joke CBG does not have regional air defense capability, and your AW radar is as good as cold war standard
  7. rcrmj

    US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

    and i guess Indian's excuse for their primitiveness would be monsoon didnt come in time right? and i guess we setting up the zoon is for a 3-day play? lol primitive indian, no wonder everyone looks down on your race p.s air defense zoon is not sovereign air space, a free tip to your utter...
  8. rcrmj

    US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

    why you are taking those self-loathed white wannabe indian so seriously`?```their inferiority together with grand delusion makes them the joke of our time:lol:
  9. rcrmj

    The New Evil Empire - United States of America

    and we have primitive Indians cheering for that 'great' country, those who by the way, look down on Indians on daily basis``` yet primitive indian keep buying 'copied' and 'low quality' chinese products like a festive event```I guess low IQed indians have no clue of what the real world is...
  10. rcrmj

    China Economy Forum

    this 'india economy is more healthy' is more of self pleasing pretext than even a shred of reality. a healthy economy is driven by modern consumption (not primitive consumption India has) and innovation, India has no parts to play whatsoever in these fields at the world stage, a 'call-center' is...
  11. rcrmj

    Chinese delegation sent to Russia to discuss stealth fighter engine

    based on your sheer ignorance on the landscape of Chinese defence forums in China, to say the least, the infos regarding J-20, 094, KJ-2000/200, UAV, 052D, 055 and even HQ-9 deal were leaked from them, when most foreign Chinese 'experts' considered those as delusion.. to the safest point, those...
  12. rcrmj

    Chinese delegation sent to Russia to discuss stealth fighter engine

    that so called PESA mounted on your antique migs were more of face project than real meaning, Soviet stone age avionics made it obsolete to function.
  13. rcrmj

    Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

    that feudal society don't treat women as equal as men, and even worst, men perceive them as some sort of dispensable objects, do what ever they want for their own amusement. and their ruling class wont do anything about it, well as much as how often they bragged that they are 'democracy' which...
  14. rcrmj

    Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

    seriously, you really have to ask your mon and dad, how they illegally travelled to the States so your life wont be as bad as the rest untouchables in India where most of them don't even know where their real dad is. btw, eating animals are better than excrement eating Indians, I saw quite few...
  15. rcrmj

    Democracy Would Confuse Chinese People’s Minds, Says Political Journal

    west, specifically the foul U.S has never 'forced' anything to anyone which resulted the death of millions innocent civilians. your funny antique brain can comprehend nothing but cold war America propaganda....
  16. rcrmj

    Democracy Would Confuse Chinese People’s Minds, Says Political Journal

    primitive Indians believe in big words like democracy or human rights, yet their country is run by a high caste family plus 1 billion virtual slaves who are abandoned from modern, civil and clean world. rape, malnutrition, illiteracy, slavery and corruption is the country's signature
  17. rcrmj

    Five Uyghurs Killed in Third Straight Week of Fatal Shootings in Xinjiang C

    the real freedom fighters are those Maoists and other insurgencies in India, they are fighting for the very basic human rights in India, food, shelter, basic education, gender equality and free from slavery.
  18. rcrmj

    While Indians look up to China, the Chinese look down on India

    better than $hyt eating Indians--one of the main reasons of their stunt growth and half-witted brains
  19. rcrmj

    India Deployed Combat Jets Mistaking Migratory Birds for Pakistani Drones

    lol, primitive india got nothing that others can envy, but endless low class jokes```yeah sure your backward foreign bought radars are too overly 'prepared' to detect UFOs and birds``:D
  20. rcrmj

    India Deployed Combat Jets Mistaking Migratory Birds for Pakistani Drones

    what an ignorant Indian``lol every other nation's radars can detect birds or even smaller objects (yours are all imported anyway) but the funny part is that the so called 'software power' cant make decent lines of soft to differentiate possible artificial objects from living creatures`:D
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