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  1. M

    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    The Pazyryk culture is ancestors of Kyrgyz Tashkyl culture in Siberia and Northern central Asia. Craniological studies of samples from the Pazyryk burials revealed the presence of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid components in this population.[4] quoting G. F. Debets on the physical...
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    Wusun were Iranic people or combination of Iranians and Turkic. The ancient Kyrgyz were also a combination of Iranians and Turkic. Even the Seljuks who conquered Turkey and Azerbaijan. Why do you think Turkish people have 5 - 18.5% Mongoloid admixture and Azeris 5 - 29% Mongoloid admixture ...
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    the invaders under the Mongol empire lower class looked like this The upper class look like this
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    Well that is what I mean when I keep seeing Mongoloid Nepalese, they look like they have heavy South Indian admixture. The East Asians looking seems to be a minority but appears occasionally among Nepalese.
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    Is a good thing Pakistan wasn't effected like the Mongols invasions had did to Middle east, Central Asia, North Caucasus, Western Siberia. Original Kypchaks were Caucasoid with only some Mongoloid admixture similar to some Tatars today. However the Kypchaks known as Nogais are mixture of...
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    Yeah, I also think the Aryan and dravidian theory is bullshit myself. If it did happened it be 50,000 years ago anyway. I'm not dividing your post. I'm saying the vast majority of Nepalese Mongoloid look like this
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    Tocharians were Indo-European, Turkic were Mongoloid I think at least this is what Russians and European anthropologist think. The facial reconstructions of the first Turks such as Xiongnu, Gokturk, Seljuks had predominately mongoloid features with Caucasoid admixture. Here are the Gokturks...
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    Western Siberians used to be Caucasoid, they were also though to be related with Central Asians. today Western Siberian people ranging from Caucasoid to Mongoloid
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    Original people of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Many of the Uzbeks and Turkmen retained features of original Central Asians but many were heavily effected in some areas Especially Uzbeks who were effected by both Turkic and Mongol The original Kushans of Afghanistans, were also a Central...
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    Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid

    The worst military defeat in history was the Mongol defeat of Central Asians. The Central Asians had 400,000-450,000 men, however not organized into armies, majority unmobilized while the Mongolians have a organized army of 150,000. The defeat was so disastrous that the The Mongol invasion of...
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    If Pakistani don't look north Indian than that means they look closer to Afghans.
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    Aryans vs Dravidians?

    Was the aryan invasion a myth?
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    Indian Military Women

    Damn, some of these women are tall !!! even taller than the guys.
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    Indian Military Women

    That's what happen to women when they do a man's job.
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    Sri Lankan Tamils are related with Tamil Indians? Genetic affinities Although Sri Lankan Tamils are culturally and linguistically distinct, genetic studies indicate that they are closely related to other ethnic groups in the island while being related to the Indian Tamils from South India as...
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    But don't North Indian women and Pakistani women look alike? or are there some differences? The average Punjabi women look like a bollywood actress.
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    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    I've seen some Tamil beauties in U.K, their pretty exotic. They seem look much prettier than the Tamils in Sri Lanka, their certainly not as dark either. They range from light brown to very dark brown.
  18. M

    Is Pakistan army considered one of the world most powerful today?

    Damn! I guess all those youtube videos of Pakistan army is bullshit. Some youtube videos put Pakistan army ranking way behind in 50th other videos makes them look like a third world joke but than again maybe it's the Indians trying to make Pakistan army look bad and weak.
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    Is Pakistan army considered one of the world most powerful today?

    I didn't know Pakistan have such a high ranking. I always get the impression they were in the level of countries like Azerbaijan.
  20. M

    Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

    Women from Delhi, Punjab are the most beautiful, next are the women from Tamil Nadu, than are the Northeast Indians Mongoloid. I think women from Assam are the most ugliest, the majority look predominately Australoid with some Mongoloid admixture. There are all these Austro asiatic tribes with...
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