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  1. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    @ Indianpatriot1 I posted a long post (see above). that's the only meaningful post in Chinese military forums on this agni 5 launch. You don't need to be an expert to see the logic within. It makes a lot of sense. Agni 5 is just another "India superpower by 2010" type of hoax, propagated...
  2. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    " Re-entering the atmosphere about 80 kms above the earth, the missile encountered its final test, to maintain the temperature inside the projectile at a balmy 40 degrees Celsius, even as atmospheric friction heated the carbon composite outer casing to 2,500-3,000 degrees. Agni-5 passed that...
  3. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    1 thing alone, amongst numerous technological hurdles impossible for India to across within this century, renders so called "China killer" Agni 5 an typical Indian delusion. See if Indian IQ get these: Fact 1: the tempreture of warhead during reentry for 10,000km ICBM is about...
  4. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    1 thing alone, amongst numerous technological hurdles impossible for India to across within this century, renders so called "China killer" Agni 5 an typical Indian delusion. See if Indian IQ get these: Fact 1: the tempreture of warhead during reentry for 10,000km ICBM is about...
  5. Speeder 2

    India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM

    1 thing alone, amongst numerous technological hurdles impossible for India to across within this century, renders so called "China killer" Agni 5 an typical Indian delusion. See if Indian IQ get these: Fact 1: the tempreture of warhead during reentry for 10,000km ICBM is about...
  6. Speeder 2

    India can develop 10,000km range missile: DRDO

    ^^^^^^^^ really? :omghaha: read this: DRDO ( DRTROLL ) pay attention! The following is much more realistic and honest evaluation of Agni 5, from a Chinese in a Chinese military forum: (Google translated, with some tiny grammar corrections by me) " The entire series of...
  7. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    The fact is, organisations such as DRDO and ISRO will have zero credibility except being laughing stocks if they were Chinese organisations, claiming the same bullcrap in Chinese TV or media. "CEP of several meters"..."one of the most advanced in theworld"..."China killer", "a complete...
  8. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    ^^^^ just too evolutional for your brain to handle , of course.
  9. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    ^^^^^agni 1, you say? no more agni 5? :omghaha: the reason you could see warhead of agni 1 is that it's mid range requiring low temp, unlike long range agni 5. Indian media disclosed that indian Agni 5 can handle about 2,000 degree temp. To have a full recoverable agni 5 warhead, you...
  10. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    ^^^^ just for 1 , out of numerous things: have you dimwits have asked a simple question, EVER, that have you seen ANY photo/clip of DRTROLL recovering the warhead (the most important task of any long range missle launch for any country) of Agni 5? NO? Have you and your media's 81...
  11. Speeder 2

    3rd Test of Agni-IV shortly : DRDO

    DRDO ( DRTROLL ) pay attention! The following is much more realistic and honest evaluation of Agni 5, from a Chinese in a Chinese military forum: (Google translated, with some tiny grammar corrections by me) " The entire series of all 5 series of Agni missile test-fired up to now...
  12. Speeder 2

    India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM

    DRDO ( DRTROLL ) pay attention! The following is much more realistic and honest evaluation of Agni 5, from a Chinese in a Chinese military forum: (Google translated, with some tiny grammar corrections by me) " The entire series of all 5 series of Agni missile test-fired up to now...
  13. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    DRDO ( DRTROLL ) pay attention! The following is much more realistic and honest evaluation of Agni 5, from a Chinese in a Chinese military forum: (Google translated, with some tiny grammar corrections by me) " The entire series of all 5 series of Agni missile test-fired up to now...
  14. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    Comical DRDO(DRTROLL) can't tell you the following of agni 5 with a straight face: 1. where the target system, lasar gyro, comes from? no company in india can produce it 2.where the the super hard alloys come from? no company in india can produce them 3.where the the super high temp...
  15. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    This "India Killer" has been painted beyond Ruskies' imagination...:omghaha: Take a good last look at mumbai or banglaore 1 hour before its next launch I'd say. :lol:
  16. Speeder 2

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    Agni 5 ? To paraphase what Putin just said "look like a monkey with a fake granade". :rofl:
  17. Speeder 2

    China to build more aircraft carriers

    Technically speaking, a television is made by fitting something of arguablelly important nature into an empty plastic hull.
  18. Speeder 2

    Syria War - China's strategic slip?

    where to start...? I believe that CCP central strategic planners, the related decision makers, and the entire foreign ministry leadership should be tried for treason, if not sub par IQ stupidity! It's related to a whole basket of severe issues! 1. seems that Kerry was asking syria...
  19. Speeder 2

    Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

    Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy? err...0 any more questions?
  20. Speeder 2

    India vs China: A tale of two contrasting economies

    India vs China: A reality of two contrasting economies. Indian charlatans, perpetually in "tale" mode. :disagree:
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