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  1. Speeder 2

    China Economy Forum

    What's the top left one? Is that Spanish chorro?
  2. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    Nothing to do with democracy. Actually deomocracy has many drawbacks. The key of Political reform should be complete media freedom, juritical independence, seperation of party and army, share, hence blance, of power. When these objectives are achieved, being democracy or not in it s detail...
  3. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    Israel is just a merchant, you pay and it delivers the goods. No more or no less. It's a help for each other. Deals have little with goodwill, but USD mainly. Anyway, as I said, the biggest and the deadliest Zionism power, being political, economic, financial, or militarily, is not from...
  4. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    CCP without complete political reform to give power to the ordinary Chinese people is a curse and a deadly cancer to China, a threat to Chinese people 100X worse than Japan. IF Chinese people have the ultimate power to decide where China wants to go, Zionism then can not defeat China, simply...
  5. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    helped? yeah, with a price. it was a deal, just like Israel sells some western gears to China secretly. Israel is helping China for free? Kissinger 's unknown small China Concultancy very likely made and is making billions from China. Kissinger is one of the main figures behind war on Syria...
  6. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    Dunno... china could be an easier pray than the US, since all Chinese are under CPC. If they control seveal key figures in CPC they control all China. Actually Kissiger's unkown "tiny" China Consultancy operating behind the doors could have more power to influnce China domestic policies than...
  7. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    China's only shield, although could be temporary, is the uniquesness and average high IQ of the Chinese race, which makes direct and outright infiltration much harder. Yet still there're ways. e.g. 1. indirect control through colaboration with politicians of the target via $$$ (many of Chinest...
  8. Speeder 2

    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    1, Anti-Zionism has NOTHING to do with anti-semitism. Many Jews are anti-Zionism, too. 2, Zionism has very less to do with Israel, relatively speaking. In fact the biggest Zionism force comes from Neocon ( and increasingly the neo liberals as well) of the US, politically and militarily. The...
  9. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    There was a newsstory days ago that China just overtook the US becoming the biggest smartphone market in the world. So China is THE most competitive smarphone market, the battle grouds for all the giants. In Holland I only can find Huawei and OPPO from China. I just did some research oh boy...
  10. Speeder 2

    The 25 Countries With The Most Brainpower

    without data, all this BS is just an another opinion. Find 1 million "experts" you'll have 1 million different opnions depending he/she likes, let alone lying ones like yours. Speak with PISA score hard data, put up or $hut up.
  11. Speeder 2

    The 25 Countries With The Most Brainpower

    you liar! can't you read? do you under stand what does random mean? no matter you Indians scored the lowest? PISA tested China in 1000s of schools in 12 provinces including shanghai. it is impossible for Chinese govt to cheat even if it wants to, because there are 10s of millions of...
  12. Speeder 2

    The 25 Countries With The Most Brainpower

    you must be extremely dumb, because it's said many many time that it is NOT which govt allows but what PISA randomly chooses. PISA descides where, which school which class and whom to test, randomly, at the test day, not govt. That' why there was no room for cheating for any govt, since no...
  13. Speeder 2

    People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

    The avergae IQ derived from the results of two of India´s TOP regions that participated PISA 2009 Plus tests is about 74! See Anatoly´s analysis posted above. Anatoly´s might not be very accurate but not too far from the truth. So India´s 81 IQ may still prove to be an optimistic upper end...
  14. Speeder 2

    People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

    China vs India PISA scores and IQ comparison: Analysis Of China’s PISA 2009 Results (Anatoly Karlin) As human capital is so important for prosperity, it behoves us to know China’s in detail to assess whether it will continue converging on developed countries. Until recently the best data...
  15. Speeder 2

    People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

    Dunno which is more pathetic, your ignorance or your education level... 1. PISA is the de facto int'l test measuring a nation''s general education level of its youths. 2. PISA scores are the de facto scores analised and benchmarked by educators of ALL countries in the world. 3. PISA scores...
  16. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    Xunzi is right that 10 years ago no one would buy samsung than nokia. 10 years ago, at least in Europe, nokia was what samsung is today. The most expansive one was Sony. Nokia and Motorola got most of youth and coporate market. Other brands such as Siemens and Ericsson also got some market...
  17. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    ok, fair enoguh. but huawei had rolled out many much cheaper smartphones previosuly. P6 is supposed to be its new flagship. Dutch pundits think p6 is the first huawei phone that could match Samsung S4 and iphone 5. many including me also think that P6 is the most elegant amongst them - so has...
  18. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    Your ignorance is beyond holy mice. Dutch and German youngsters have been at the forefront of global fashion (at least in Europe) most of the time, being the newest brands of clothing or gadgets. In Holland, many of us start to recognise Huawei as cool and of very high quality.
  19. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    I can find Xiaomi now in Holland and Belgium.
  20. Speeder 2

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    There is another thing: marketing gimicks. Chinese companies from China are not good at it at all. Actually a lot of my friends have no problem buying either Samsung or Huawei because the price is not important to us. But Huawei's lower price put many of them off just because it fits right...
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