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  1. Speeder 2

    Can India copy Rafale fighter and build a new fighter?

    it's only half-truth, since design is only the starter and the easiest part relatively. even india recall all teh india scientists from mars, it won't make it. the most difficult part is "making it", which entails all infras, knowhow, tech, huge $$$ invesments, skilled labours at diifferent...
  2. Speeder 2

    The Chinese dual-use vehicle exported to NATO is highly popular

    Based on decades of field research and experiences in rural China, Xingda Moto proudly presents war-tested special transport vehicle HongVeee ™ with NATO compliance, currently deployed by French Army Infantry in Mali (see attached photo below). Xingda Moto, jointly produced by Lao Ma & Sons...
  3. Speeder 2

    High Tech Chinese military vehicle exported to NATO

    Based on decades of field research and experiences in rural China, Xingda Moto proudly presents war-tested special transport vehicle HongVeee ™ with NATO compliance, currently deployed by French Army Infantry in Mali (see attached photo below). Xingda Moto, jointly produced by Lao Ma & Sons...
  4. Speeder 2

    Can India copy Rafale fighter and build a new fighter?

    copy rafale? :lol: err....try copying a working example of mig-21 first
  5. Speeder 2

    The Secret Weapon of India : 2012

    The Secret Weapon of India ? :rofl: it must have sth to do with mouth.
  6. Speeder 2

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    Yours is false logic, I am afraid. Purchased "power", what is also called "paper tiger", is no real power. In your logic, Saudi Air Force must have MUCH HIGHER ranking than UK, France and Germany putting together. Perhaps Kwait and UAE too! :lol: No? why not? because "the number of...
  7. Speeder 2

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    Which is blue navy which is blue blue deep purple navy? It’s all blah blah. Show what you have! It depends on what weight one puts on N-subs in the full picture though. I rate n-subs highly that’s why putting Russia ahead. Russia is definitely behind China on surface ships, quality-wise...
  8. Speeder 2

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    what courage? you mean insisting curry breakfast being hostages? :lol:
  9. Speeder 2

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    more or less oke. China in the list is not only due to #, but also due to 1. currently the 2rd largest Aegis-equivalent surface fleet after Japan, soon to be the largest AND the arguablely most advanced within the group if you count 052D alone (even better than type 045 on some key...
  10. Speeder 2

    China's plan for 2013 - Fight and win a war

    China needs 6-8 052D urgently, after that 055!
  11. Speeder 2

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    Key point: only indigenous tech count. If no, Saudi or Ethiopia or Solomon Islands would become #2 if it buys a CV, Aegis destroyers, and some N-subs from the US. Or for another example who has the most powerful racing-cars, Ferrari or I? I surely, if i buy several top line Ferrari...
  12. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    no no no, you are comparing the best h1b1 indians( mostly come within the last 2 decades)to the average of the entire chinese community (including h1b1 students/workers AND much more 4th or even 5th gen average Chinese) in America only. In Netherlands for instance, >54% of the ethnic chinese...
  13. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    the best of the poor countries go to aboard for better future, mostly. the best of the already rich and prosperious countries by and large live in their own countries. the best of the best of pisspoor and hopeless India go to the West. not the same can be said to Germany or Italy or...
  14. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    please... you compared the best of India to other country's average. potato Vs. orange futher the bulk of the best Chinese or Japanese or German or Swedes are NOT in America unlike Indians, but in their own countries. Guess why? FYI, the average salaray of Norwegian American is...
  15. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    the ultimate proof otherwise: the Chinese is good at high IQ. :lol:
  16. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    many in the meeting did ordered the Chinese, sometimes. none dared to venture Indian though, for the fear that the smell would cause NYC Orange Alert. Damn- sensitive time you know.
  17. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    So indian govt pissed them off? :lol: FYI, IQ is like errr.. height or eye colour for instance, it doesn't change whether you're pissed off or happy, understood? :rofl: the sad news, howerve, is that the average IQ of overseas Indians is not much higher than 82 though.
  18. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    low iq, though, is highly postively correlated with corruption - case in point : Africa and India. but just curious, is India good at anything, anyhting at all except BSing and gang rapes of its own of course?
  19. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    so "super smart" DRDO finally figured it out how to make a workable post ww2 level rifle after 50+ years? Link pls? c'mon share the joy of achievement with me. :lol: BS! I was there last year for a critical meeting...no indians at least at the high level. ...except, of course, your...
  20. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    I saw no Indian last time I was in Morgan Stanley HQ at the Mid Town.
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