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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Sry, that u had do delete a post from me, plz be kind. I didn't know that this is flaming, please don't ban me!!! I always try to be down to earth...it was sarcasm not cursing or sth, ok?
    Dear Sir, my account Lockheed F-16 has been banned because I cursed about Geo Tv. But look, I immediately after disapproval deleted the post. It was not my aim to destroy the atmosphere of the forum. Talk to Asim, you saw that I could pretty well behave all the time. And I didn't do anything wrong, after Asim said, my post is not okay, I deleted it immediately. Nevertheless I got banned. That's not fair, every time I posted something, I thought if it will be right for the forum.
    I need to create a thread but need help as to whether it would have potential for a debate. I want to do a political, social and economical comparison between Athens and Karachi. There seem to be no difference between the two cities when it comes to the culture of nepotism, bribery and corruption.

    What do you think?
    did you find any new ones in mine? i delete 'em.Lol.
    how do you like my posts btw?
    hi Agnostic! i won't question your Agnosticism,i'll just ask you "How ya doin?" (that too in Joey style) :lol:
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