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  • Agnostic bahi, on my posting options attaching files is turned off. Can you guys turn it on? I have some nice pics to share on the suggestions thread.

    AM can ypu please look in to the posts of poster "shchinese" I don't think any of his/her post makes any sense
    Well, i am one of the guilty parties as i have lots of posts on Bajaur which have go nothing to do with it in particular.
    Anyways, i see your point.
    All the best.
    Salaams AM
    The Bajaur thread and FATA thread are kind of both the same now with heavy artillery being exchanged on the WOT and Tribal area situation.
    Maybe they can be merged?
    If you deem suitable that is.
    Hey AM - Do me a favor and ask this 'student' VINOD character to try to keep his DI*K in his pants. He has a tendency to wave it around every now and then and I have the tendency to chop it off every time. Sorry again for being blunt!!
    could u plz help me,m a new member, i tried many time to post my intro but each time i couldnt, the msg. comes is:
    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

    If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
    i m a new member, i tried many times to post my intro but i could not. each time a message comes that
    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

    If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
    The funny thing is that he agreed to my opinions as well, don't know what that was about.
    Anyways i really like this site and the way you guys handle things.
    I have a busy schedule but will always contribute here inshallah.
    Salaams AM
    nice reply on the Indian patience thread (which i believe is running really thin...:-) )
    i guess some people just cannot stop with the bullshitting.
    salam bro, hey I got this hate message from this lunetic-kryptus. what can be done here.


    You Bangladeshis are such ungrateful bastards, it's unbelievable! We Indians saved your *** when you were being raped, murdered & burned alive and still you see us the enemy?

    The only reason why Pakistanis now call you brothers is because they want to open a new front against India. Where was their brotherhood when the Pakistani Army was raping your women, killing your youth & burning your houses? We were the ones who fought for YOU. Our soldiers laid down their lives to save your people.

    Do you need me to remind of you of how many young Bangladeshi girls were impregnated by Pakistan army?? And the Pakistanis at that time joked about it saying "Atleast, the younger generations of these Bengalis would be fairer & taller". That's what they thought of you.

    Our soldiers died fighting for you & you ungrateful people are abusing those great souls? Your mullah leaders who have an axe to grind against Hindu India will brainwash you the same way they do in Pakistan to create suicide bombers & terrorists. They will claim how Indian army looted Bangladesh, how indian army raped your women, but don't be fools, these Pakistanis(Punjabis) always treated you like dirt & they always will.


    ^^ See this for god sakes!

    We respect your country, for you have taken so much pain & beating, we want to see you gain in strength & prosperity, but why make the same mistake again? Do you want a new 1971 all over again?
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