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  • Thanks a ton pal for your translation. Excellent work defending China on the other threads in a sensible manner as well.
    I really enjoy reading your posts. When are you coming to India ? I will fix you up at my place if you visit Mumbai :D


    Do you know about Max Keiser from the Keiser Report on RT? If you don't, he refers to Godlman Sachs and JP Morgan as Financial Terrorists! lolz And accuses them of employing Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction (FWMDs)! i.e. Financial Terrorism!! I hope China & CCP is prudent & successful in how it deals with them. :|
    no idea. this is a huge problem right now because monsanto has already controlled the food production in the northeast provinces. my cousin has worked on genetically engineered crops before though, i'll ask him.
    Is the CCP doing something deal with the Monsanto/Goldman problem? Or it intends to do something when the problem becomes more noticeable in their eyes? Or it's still considering how to deal with it?
    I am a patriotic Chinese American interested in working for the CN govt. Have any suggestions?
    Hey man, I know you know a lot about Chinese defence which embarassingly I'm low on.

    Why does it seem tome that the latest surface ships of the PLAN all seem to be focused towards anti-surface and anti-air instead of ASW?

    No hate mate. India and China can progress even faster with mutual co-operation which is already happening. That article regarding possible India-China conflict is on "Time magazine" which is different from Times Of India. We like to call it "Slime magazine" ..After the Mumbai attack they were trying to justify it.
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