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  1. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    It would be in the best interests of Russia to arrange a purchase of limited amounts of empty, undeveloped, useless land. We'd be glad to take such burdens off your hands in return for trillions of dollars.
  2. below_freezing

    China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

    It's not in your backyard. The Philippines is in China's backyard.
  3. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    We will see about that. Russia's stability is of major concern to us as well.
  4. below_freezing

    China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

    You are not a real Filipino. You are part of their elite 1%. Most Filipinos cannot go online. They are still fighting for independence from your regime. If you were a real Filipino, how could you defend the regime whose police shakes you down for money every day? If you were a real Filipino...
  5. below_freezing

    China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

    The puppetmaster regime is moving its strings again.
  6. below_freezing

    China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

    There's something called continuity of government. Just as Russia inherited all treaty obligations and claims from the USSR, and USSR inherited all treaty obligations from Czarist Russia, PRC inherited all treaty obligations and claims from the ROC, and the ROC inherited all treaty obligations...
  7. below_freezing

    China's Soft Power Deficit

    lmao 1/3 of South Koreans hate South Korea. They don't even like themselves and they're talking about "cultural colonization" :rofl:
  8. below_freezing

    India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea

    Imperial Japan had nothing to do with the PRC, but had very much to do with the ROC, now on Taiwan. Just in case you forgot: PRC was established in 1949, WW2 ended 1945. Filipinos are NOT the best of East and West combined. Even today, Filipinos in the Gulf are treated the same way Africans and...
  9. below_freezing

    One Child Policy of China and lessons for South Asian nations

    It's not a "one child policy" though. Otherwise I wouldn't have cousins or have friends with brothers and sisters. The policy itself is very complex and has many incentives, penalties, circumstances, and has economists, risk analysts, sociologists, psychologists, doctors and statisticians...
  10. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    It's very skilled at opening new frontiers on a map because it's far away.
  11. below_freezing

    Xisha may open to tourists soon

    :lol: anything you have, we had 20 years ago. your planes cannot even take off without a Russian holding your hand. in any war, you will be blind, deaf and mute. Vietnam will just be the next Iraq. Actually, the power difference between USA and Iraq is far smaller than that between China and...
  12. below_freezing

    Russia needs missile defense system in Latin American states

    no, why? you kidding? wtf?
  13. below_freezing

    Chinese province boosts trade ties with Vietnam

    You ram our ship, we repair our ship using your coal and your iron that we traded for with red paper :lol:
  14. below_freezing

    World's worst tourists? Americans say ... Americans

    What do you think of Korea's elite 1%?
  15. below_freezing

    World's worst tourists? Americans say ... Americans

    Goat eyeball... I'll have to try that. I think my limits would be any animal without a skeleton (either internal or external). Those things tend to be parasitic or toxic.
  16. below_freezing

    China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

    contributing slave labor to ships owned by Chinese companies (COSCO and China Shipping are 2 of the largest shipping companies in the world) is not "contributing to maritime trade" in the way most people think of it.
  17. below_freezing

    SCS Standoff Continues

    Last I checked, US launched their X-37 spaceplane in 2005, and our Shenlong was launched in December of 2005. I also don't think the US is going to retire F-22. Well, maybe F-35 is going to be retired before it even gets launched so technically it would be "China inducting weapons as advanced as...
  18. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    It is a net loss now. All we need to do is strip mine their resources and ship them away.
  19. below_freezing

    Xisha may open to tourists soon

    Vietnamese can come, if they have a legal visa. If they jump the border we should throw them back. Why can't our police learn from Indian BSF?
  20. below_freezing

    China's Wu beats Phelps in 200m butterfly

    Off topic troll reported.
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