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  • but i am afraid my post may get deleted. :P but anyway this guy is really annoying.
    I am doing good thanxs...How about u?? Sure buddy will keep them checked :D...Anyways you go and catch some sleep...have a good night...
    nops, that AB is more close to Pakistan and more threat to us, not China. What will one AB or a Sqd or so will do to the PLAAF, but yeah one or two Sqds would be an issue for us.

    And i know its not about attacking, but when it comes into strategic context, everything is to be seen, including war and stuff.
    hahahahahhaah, i just said, that am not talking about the pentagon report, but about your countrymen who are here and bullying and making us slaves or threatening us without taking into context that where we sit. Just look at Justin's post and my reply. Is it sensible to call an AB more then 1800Km away as a security for their Chabahar port. But he is sticking to it. Just taking things with laugh as these are some very stupid things.
    hiii sir...it would be my pleasure to be your friend...your posts are very nice and matured ones.
    Oh I'm trying evreywhere. Software, hardware, banking ellam nkkunudu. Pakshe aarum vilikunnila.
    it was Jana and azadpakistan. I tried to stay away from that bloody post but i couldn't. You know mallus we can't stay away from troubles.

    Abt the job. I'm also like you. Searching for new one.
    Not busy. I was in a time out for questioning the moderators and saying some nice little words against two forum members. I expected a ban but they gave me only a time out. I think I was the first one who used the time out.

    Hey what about you. Have you got new job ?.
    i had come to add you , and wanted to post dat to Desi, mix up , was up all nite, in the classic troll war .. sorry!!!
    Thanks. I'm just tired of self-righteous, intolerant, uber-conspiracy theorist, jingoistic nationalistic crap trap loving war mongers and fascists.

    Peace to all. SAFTA for a wealthier and a livable South Asia. All power to the people !!!!
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