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  • Yeah bro....Family hails from Oras on the Konkan coast....and family temple is in Goa....but wierdly we speak Marathi....I dont bother asking why...LOL!!
    Haha...nah bud not married yet....I mean I live in NYC the place to be single, its a crime to be married and live in the city....You know when in rome.....
    In India for 3 days only because I have to buy desi clothes for a wedding that Im going to in Mauritius end of the month.....But seriously Im more excited abt India.....
    FYI....I may come down to Kerela in Dec for a vaca....Ill probably hit u up if thats ok....
    PM me your name if you're on Facebook and Ill add you in...
    Congrats Homie....Glad that you found a new job....Hope you're making mint...
    Tho ill probably be in India only for 3 days....but its all worth it as long as I get to eat some homemade goan food.....Thinking about it is giving me a hard one...LOL!!!
    Hope your family is well....
    Keeping well bro....Been mad busy with work so much so that I havent even been surfing PDF as much...
    Im finally coming back home for a vacation end of this month.....cant wait.....
    How're things with u?
    Hope peace prevails in all of sub-continent...including China...although we do take pleasure in discussing hypothetical war :D ;-)
    easing visa rules,also hard they started some internet based system to get serial for applying to get visa.But still lots of hassle,because so many people applies everyday,I think India has highest no. of tourists from Bangladesh every year.But I think the staff there are not efficient enough in the embassy.

    You can taste some good kebabs in Delhi and perhaps in Hyderabad too.But you are always welcome in Dhaka :)
    hey bro..thanks for thinking about me.. :) I am fine BTW.
    You might be having great time tasting those dhosas..looks like you have tasted all of 'em :P
    Might visit India one or two years later,inshallah.And Kerala is on my list cause I never visited the south India.

    BTW if you are fond of biriyani and kebabs..I have some place for you. ;)

    So how's life?
    hey seiko. am ok yaar. yup should be in delhi end July. can't wait to eat all those nandh kaathis my dadhi has promised to make when I get there lol
    Hey Bro! how are you? welcome back in action ... we really miss u a lot ..

    Have a nice stay and hope to read your imformative posts once again ...

    Have a great weekend yaar. Will be in Delhi around end July with the family. Will email you after Easter
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