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  • Asim, I'm trying to get these threads that are proliferating on this op consolidated. Can you help?
    Dear Asim

    I had started a thread named "Undoing the partion...". There was nothing inflamatory in those posts. you may not agree with the topic but what i had tried to highlight that BD leaders were shortsighted in their seperation from united Pakistan. The actions of BD leaders only brought miser to their people.

    even you can see my posts on this topic. I am disappointed by removal of thread.

    hey Asim why did you delete the visitor msg of Indian rabbit on my profile/??I didnt get a chance to read it :(
    SIR im reporting this indian troll 4 time he has been banned before and now after coming again hes trolling and using offensive stuff.
    so??? isnt he Mr.10% ????? who cares whether hes the president of any pariah nation or jumri tallaiya.
    Mr 10% kya laga rakha hai India kai naam pai aur smile kar lene do = POSTER= Dark Angel,Thread =India offers to resume talks with Pakistan
    I have warned him personally but hes still doing the same.Please ban this guy i beg u thanks.
    I wanted this to post on Balochistan issue
    but as the thread is closed but i want it to come to people knowldge...if possible
    lets share my personal experience:-:argh:

    I live in NWFP but i spent my 25 years in Quetta (Balochistan)
    now when Indian or Other people talk about Balochistan it looks funny to me .... cause.....
    1) As said most of the baloch people aren't intersted in this Azad Balochistan because they dont have good jobs and their (Sardar's) Lords they did not let them for education now Baloch people are not very much qualified hence they are not applicable for the good jobs. so... they get to the level of clerk or some to bit higher through Intercession.
    2) the people talk about Balochistan as there only baloch people live realy dont have any knowledge about the population and the area.
    the area is devided into baloch and pashton belt as under
    From Zhob to Chaman, Pishin , Quetta base on pashton people they are very patriotic people. and in quetta most of the buisness is run by pashton population and on good post are pashton or setler's(from panjab, NWFP)
    and from Quetta To Turbat Gawadar and naseer ababd Sibi its called as baloch area but the population is very little as compare to the area i dont know about exact figures of baloch areas but i have visited all baloch areas and the population and the area is very much backward still they belive their Sardars as each and every thing.
    now from this some points come to the table.
    i) balochistan is not only a baloch area 1st
    ii) what the pashton populatin want media dont even bring it out and the pashton population is almost double then baloch's
    iii) and are all the baloch pop: wants the same as media propegates (NoOOOO)
    iv) and as Asim said in BLA its not only baloch people but its based on (rented killers) including Afghans. their tranning camps are in afghanistan.

    Thnx and Regards
    The world knows people of which religion supports violence....people of which religion are more extremist....people of which religion justifies 'Human bombs'....people of which religion taught some of their innocent childrens to kill others innocent & get killed themself...
    You people justifies the enforcement of sharia (Islamic law)...
    THREAD= Kashmir - Past & Present, How our Forefathers Sacrificed so much against India
    i have reported it but no action was taken
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