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  • wooooo', you really gave me a lession, the Shia is indeed a section of Islam I just consulted the wikipedia. In assassin creed 2 , I heard of the words "Nothing is true, everything is permitted " said by those assassins. have you ever noticed that? My understanding is Killing, kiling and killing, hahahha.

    Actually I beat the game on my Xbox360, it is indeed a good game. By the way, how can I mark you as my friend in the forum??
    That south asian iq is 81 while chinese is 100 or some :) these guys along with fiefanke keep posting that everywhere. its blatantly racist if used as a taunt.

    They are using it in many threads and its typically posted in chinese.
    Sir, i recently joined defence.pk ,,,nd i m really keen to join air force PAF... Can u help me for guiding??? that how can i join it?? waiting for ur helpful reply
    Sir there was a misunderstanding between me and qsaark regarding the name of the thread. I opened this thread and requested the mod to change the name but it was not changed for couple of days until some think tank person told the same mod...I apologized to Gamibt but he thinks everyone should bow down...
    The thread was a nice one but mistakes were made from both sides..

    and I had a question about the Gambit's post and instead of answering he started to do personal attacks..

    You "should" look into the matter.

    Yeah dude..Sorry about that.I am just fed up i guess.Could you be kind enough to ban me for 3 months..?I'll be back here after my vacations.I certainly don't want to spend 3 months vacations infront of screen.I only visit def.pk \.I am too addicted please ban me.
    AOA sir,

    Just want to kown what your status "Sapere Aude" means. Searched a lot cant find it anywhere.

    Recently you have deleted many threads from Bangadesh defence forum on the ground that "Not a bangladesh defence topic related to Pakistan"

    Then are these sticky threads on the same forum not qualify to be deleted on the same ground:

    India working to make Bangladesh a desert
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