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  • Btw I asked you to objectively mention one good thing ulemas have done..not what their self appointed and presumed role is. you failed in that so admit defeat.
    ulema only sold themselves for power..proof..jamat e islami, As Shaik, and numerous others..now stop you propaganda on my page..
    tell me on good thing ulema in politics have done...we are seeing the results in egypt and morocco already.fatwas to legalize sex with dead bodies?
    China is not run by monks
    USA Is not run by priests
    Turkey is not run by Mullahs
    Germany is not run by Priest

    That example alone is enough to state that Mullahs have no role in parliment..politics is for the able minded with a vision forward..not someone well versed in religion. No use of arguing further.
    Plus, had you actually read my posts you'd realize I never said Quran was just stories. Are you on some kind of drug or are you just plain dumb? Nevermind the fact that the way you are trying so hard to prove your Islamicness shows your own inner doubts. I am the one here being normal and chill, because it's
    my personal issue with Allah, no need to call people Kafir because they don't follow the same brainwashed, bigoted, Saudi created brand of Islam as you. Maybe you forgot, but judging people in this manner is a huge sin in Islam, maybe you should focus on the real basics more instead of releasing your anger out on people. Allah Hafiz, I'm not even gonna reply now, even if you decide to post back.
    You can doubt all you want, bro. But Allah will not ask you about my religion, I will be the one who's questioned on Qayamah when MY religious affiliation ka question comes in. So please, mind your own business and Im telling you for I think the 10th time to you know... shut up. Between prayers and other responsibilities I have, I have nor the time nor patience nor energy to deal with the likes of you. Allah Hafiz bhai.
    now you will come and say..I am a denier of hadith....You mullah supporters never run out of argument.
    It doesnt matter what the Hadith says....the practical implementation has always been a disaster..tell me one good thing mullahs in power have done good..
    I see. This is an online discussion forum and I have the right to express my views. You have no right to stop or restrict me in this way. To you is your opinion and to me is mine. Aidos.
    I dont agree without..it doesnt say anywhere. The typical role of political mullahs has been selling the nation for their own benefit and gains. There is no place for mullah in the parliament...execpt for may be as religious affairs minister.
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