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  • Hi, just wondering, when can I get the permission to post threads?
    - Singh Saab -
    - Singh Saab -
    btw, I think I might have accidentally reported one of my own comments, can I undo the report?
    Hello Sir,
    I hope you are doing well. Can you provide me the Puma picture? The one in the background of Home Page....
    sir what is GHQ??
    Bro it’s a place where we got to settle disputes. Only the one who brought the dispute forward and mods can see it.
    sorry bro it's embarrassing but i can't find and access to it. can you please help me?
    Bro give me another two weeks off I need it. Im sorry for before. Karachi is such a trigger....oooof
    Brother I made dua that our relations would be good when you come back, I hope all is well. I don't like fighting my own people, never have.
    You need another two weeks, as in you're going to wait then post?
    Before i thought you are really impartial and a man that stands for the truth but unfortunately i was proven wrong. I will express myself clear and as short as possible.

    The Turkish moderator here behaves like it is his local street village in Turkey threatening to avenge his ''blood brother'' by deliberately banning Iranian members.
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    Dariush the Great
    Dariush the Great
    This is clearly against forum rules !!! This guy needs to be tamed or demoted. one of these two.

    I know that will not happen because you are leaning more towards the ''other side'' but having a bit of integrity in this matter is certainly not misplaced.

    That's sad you think this way, especially with all the work I put into the Iranian section. You certainly have proved one thing i.e. that people warned me you would be appreciated by many for the good work you do, no matter how noble your intention is.
    Regarding the Turkish moderator, I am speaking to him currently about various concerns, has he banned you? He has banned anyone else? The answer is no.
    Anyway, I'll be with you soon.
    I can only express my disappointment on how things have turned out.
    Good day.
    Iranian section and Iranian users are under a lot of pressure due to the lack of an Iranian moderator for our section. and this causes to users act against the trolls. we have been asking for an Iranian mod for a while now but it still is not materialized.
    have a good night and please consider what i said, we are not savages to attack another sections.
    That's fine and we will fix the moderator issues as well. Have a good night.
    sir i know you right now have a lot to do but if you look for the things turkish members were doing you will give the right to Iranian users to loose their control at the end. just look at the captain azari posting records or the banned user -SINAN- they have been calling us different kind of things and insulting us.
    Brother it will all be dealt with I promise you. I'm talking to senior Iranians and Turks. We will have no more conflict, mark my words.
    Please don't be upset at me, I just care for all.
    thank you bro. i am not upset of PDF staff, in my opinion if we had an Iranian mod things would be in order. and things would not escalate to this current level.
    thank you sir for responding my concerns.
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    No problem brother.
    I'm not accusing you of bias. You are biased. It is your shortcoming that your moderator threatens to ban other members from a particular nationality and you guys support it.
    Keep away my profile or face a ban. I've asked nicely, if I was biased the Iranian section would have gone to hell.
    Then don't call me brother next time. I'm done with you and your profile. Bye.
    No problem, doesn't bother me. Had I treated you other than kindness then it was different, this isn't the case.
    Your comments are there bar one i.e. Pakistanis being droned. That was years ago, the same drones killed many Afghans as well.
    Anyway, not sure if you are thread banned I'll look it up. But that last comment may have riled people up.
    jahangir born, lmao....man you crack me up a bunch buddy
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    Honestly that dude has long overstayed his welcome with his constant sectarian BS and all manner of conspiracy theories based on those. Hope you mods come to a wise decision what to do.
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    Well bro just waiting on what the others think. One already commented and agreed with me.
    Hope all is well with you and the family.
    Thanks bud, yep all going well. Wish you and yours the same.
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