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  • Hi, one of my post is "waiting for approval" , i am not sure why, but appreciate if you could fix it
    hey Waz, for some reason there isn't a text box on any threads i want to reply on. there isn't a box to write my comment on. Is it an issue with the forum or just my account?
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    I'm good my friend.
    Lol nice she is cute. You look good bro, just in time for Summer.
    Yes ha ha but my spoken english is bad. Its hard for me to understand you guys when you dont speak slow. And my slang is really bad. But she did understand me.
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    Today UK leave EU. I´m really sad about that. Did not visit UK yet but always wanted go Isle of Skye buddy. :(
    You can still come bro lol. Lots of Italians here. I'll take you around.
    As said Isle of Skye looks badass. But its hard to reach. No direct connection.
    Hey friend. Saw the news. Is evrything ok over there. So sad it happened again.
    Thank you my friend. Yes sadly everything is ok in the fact that it is over and the terrorist is dead. Thank you for your kind words, I pray this is the last we see of it. We need the Italian social media type clampdown for a start.
    Hi mod waz,

    I was disappointed when I log into this site and saw my thread was locked. It appears that everything was level-headed until that member Sargon started insulting ethnicity/race and everyone fell for his bait.

    Why did you lock this thread? Could you just temporarily banned him or remove him from the thread or something instead? Had it not been for him, I am sure everyone would be level headed.
    Aoa brother i want celevrrider banned on my thread can you do that please i think he is samundri and i dont want samundri on my thread
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    Hey waz how is evrything going in UK? I catched a cold now and i´m ill for 7 days...well its almost like holiday...just with coughing xD
    Hello my friend all is well in the windy, rainy UK. How's things in Italia? I'm sorry to hear about your illness. I hate being ill, primarily because it takes away my lifting power. I come back 5% weaker. Drink plenty of fluids and do some light exercise.

    I'll set up a private conversation between ourselves.
    All fine here. I´m not that ill. Just sore throat. On monday i´ll be back at work. :D

    A private conversation?
    Waz sir please ban me for one month , I have some exam and want to concentrate on that , ban me till April
    Thank you Sir :) Hope you are doing good and un ban me in April .... I want to pass that exam ;)
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    Good luck with your exam my friend.
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    Don't come back with another I.d . This place is addictive :P
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    Hellooooooooo waz! How are you and your family doing? And the parrot as well. :D I got my wisdom tooth removed...so my week is not that much fun.
    Hello my friend I am doing well, thank you for asking. How's things in Italy? Job going well? Family good? I take it you and your lady are enjoying engaged life. How's your training? Ah wisdom tooth, thank the Lord I haven't had to go through that and I'm 40 now lol.
    I´m happy you are fine. Here all is fine as well. Job is doing well. Will get promoted in June and training is fine too. Plan to attend national championship in august. Yes...wisdom tooth...was not as bad as i believed but wasn´t a pleassure either.
    How are you Sir long time not much activity from your side
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    All good my friend. I'm just very busy at work. I hope all is well with you and your family.
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    Reactions: Crixus
    Doing great Sir .... some time misses sane voices here on this forum :) thats why pinged you ..family is doing great
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    Reactions: waz
    Good to know all is well with you.
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