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  • Thats cool man, no I don't live in the US but I used to, I'm in Europe and Texas was one of the many states I lived in. And I agree with Lockheed that it is good to have Americans onboard, you should post more often !
    I live in Arlington. The future home of the Dallas Cowboys. Heh! The new stadium is going to be about a mile from the house! Austin is a cool town. Arlington used to be a little college town but not anymore. I went to UTA here and man, this town has grown. Do you live in the US also? I'm much older than you guys I guess - I'm 52. But hey, I don't feel it. My wife keeps telling me to grow up!!
    I don't live in Pakistan, I live in Germany. I am 15 years old and at the moment pupil in 10th Grade. I have no american friends here in Germany, man, you are rare here, and I don't have any Pakistani friends either so I joined the forum to meet people like you and others.

    Trying to wake up on this cloudy, windy, cold Saturday morning. Lots of coffee - I think. Can't do any yard work or anything else today. Perhaps I should start to clean out the garage today!! or work on my wood scale model some more. It's a bf-109 or will be when I get done. where in Pakistan do you live?

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