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  • Why did you delet emy post. It was my opinion and I am entitled to put forth my views on matter. Scholarly or otherwise, let others argue on that. Whats your problem with it? If you do not like my opinion then refute it instead of using your your authority.

    Request you to restore my post and come back with counter argument if you may have.
    sir, my thread is being deleted although the news was just 9 hours old and i cant find it over the forum. direct me to place where it is already discussed
    Come on man, that is not fair, the thread title says NATO trucks. How can we can come to know of the reality? Media is not reliable as u know. If we dont discuss then how can we know the truth?
    Thanks!! Also I wanted to ask that if we have any such thing being prepared for the JF17
    SIr ji on the jets there is sometimes an equipment added that enables the engineers to multiply the missiles, ie to increase the hard points. Can you tell me the name of that particular equipment.
    True .... but then i did ask for PAF tactics which can alter the mission profiles of IAF aircrafts. be it Su losses , AWACS measure , etc. I frankly dont know, how PAF would counter. But if you feel that it would flame the topic then i guess ...we can take a shot at it some other time.
    i have a thread going on where i have shown different types of IAF aircrafts and how they will be used in case of war. Can you please add inputs from PAF side ? Or feel free to correct what i have written.
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