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  • Doesn't Iran already have a muslim leader?
    I always thought Syria was ruled by the Baath party which is a secular one. So you support Assad?
    Yes. I live in Tehran. I've been born into a shi3a family but my family is non-religious and I'm personally agnostic. Syria is our ally in the region and It was one of the few Arabic countries who sided with us in the Iraq-Iran war in the Arab league and we surely won't give up on Syria as an ally.
    why moving back?

    yeah, your pretty much the only Syrian, so...

    you cover that part atleast!
    Triable people are an endangered species but in no-way is Saudi Arabia a Trible society. I ask you kindly to Edit your post and delete that remark or it will be strike two.
    You have attacked Saudi Arabia again "Saudi Arabia is a Triable society" That is strike two.
    I go to this Semi-Arabic site.....Its our class site...Doesn't mean I like it though >_> That site just spells "work"
    Nah. I have never went around inviting friends for back up in a flame war. I have learned that one needs to do his work himself. And I am not about to start now either. it is one of my self-made forum rules.
    I have left Syria's fate on the hands of the Syrian people. My involvement in anything regarding Syria is done.
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