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  • Greetings sister..I,ve been reading your posts for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.. though your slightly biased ;). I have my respects for ya :)
    hey Jana what do you think about this

    By reading news I am not feeling well about NRO…
    Statements given by PPP that they will defend NRO is fine but after the meeting of executive committee PPP has decided to go on roads and there are many “stupid” people who will support PPP…

    Pakistan Army should send clear message to Zardair i.e. Let Supreme Court decide…
    If we (Pakistan Army) did not interfere in democratic system than you (Zardari) have no right to take the court matter on roads….

    Zardai tau Mujeeb sa bhi agay nikal raha hai

    Zardari wants to build pressure on CJ...
    but under no circumstance Pakistani people/army should allow Zardari to take the matter on the road
    My pleasure Miss, I'll try my best to keep the thread in light, don't you worry...Good Night and sweet dreams...and ya...I'll wait for the invitation card of the party :)
    Contratulations for 10000 posts,

    But dont desire any position , although you deserve lady think tanker lolz
    People say you're obsessed with India. But I think you fight for Indian Muslims, Indian Sikhs, Indian Christians, Indian Dalits, Indian Poors, etc (almost all Indians) and you deserve 'Bharata Ratna" award! lol
    My post are fine , these days alone no disturbance , otherwise my wife always praying for ban lol
    When checked your friends list , seen few indian banned members , it also increases my doubt,

    Thanks God your Patriotic Pakistan girl
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