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  • Oh yeah? Which writings of yours do they use? Pass me a link to your writings
    Wouldn't mind reading them myself :D
    Hi Jana....salam

    Enjoy reading your posts ma'am. Are you part of Zaid Hamid's club? politically involved in his TKP org?
    i kind of knew this gonna happen....His show was cancelled few days ago because of such threat ...they later rescheduled it instead of cancelling it altogether.
    Thanking for posts aint mean i have soft corner for them, my approach to a subject is rational weather its Pakistani/Indian.
    Anyway i don't have any soft corner for India either and i never liked Zaid Hamid but i support his right to give his views without any threat from anyone.
    The firing incident is most unfortunate and it shouldn't have happened, i condemn it. The report also say that IJT also protested? true?, and what do you know about Amn Tehrik group?
    my pm option is open but it not working?? see strange thing already happening. Anyway dear, I cant give too much away, its not safe. I have posted a picture in my last post. This is where #3 freemason of pakistan lives. If you want to follow the dots...this house is important. then you will know there is big mcdonalds in area...mcdonalds owners are also masons. The masjid where Mr. Zaman sometimes attends for prayers you will notice he sit with same people usually. Follow these people after Friday prayer especially.
    can u help me
    aap ko pata ah iarmy ma ikese jaten hain
    ager aap ke pass colification na hoto lekin sari chenzen hon
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