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  • "jews are bad named because of yahudis like you, who spread hatred, you know that???"

    Can you be more specific?

    "i just read your blog, and it stinks"

    I am open to learning more. If you can explain more and better, by all means do so; comments are open. But if you can only complain and not explain, then what merit do you think there is in your feelings and opinions?
    such questions have no easy answers, sir!

    best to just 'chug' along and go with the flow of things...!
    urdu i believe is a combination of hindi, farsi (persian language) and arabic. also, i think pakistan was part of the persian empire way back in history. south eastern iran (balochistan) and western pakistan are similar i think. i can say that eastern turkey and western iran are also pretty similar.
    i hope i will be able to visit pakistan some time. your culture seems like an interesting mix of indian, persian and turkic cultures. maybe also arabic? but you have more in common with iranians than arabs i think.
    erdogan is secular. to be honest, i haven't yet made up my mind about the islamic way of governance. most muslims are quite ignorant though, they don't know what sharia is. but islam is very important to me so i will never accept anything unislamic.
    i thought you were indian but i see that you're originally from karachi pakistan. what are you doing in monaco, how is life there? :)
    yes i believe that some form of secularism is actually also in accordance with islamic principles. but turkey is very extreme, girls with headscarves are discriminated against, this is not fair.
    What do you mean by secular thoughts? Supporting brutal western invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and Zionist occupation of Palestine? If supporting western state terrorism and barbaric acts means being secular, then I guess I'm not secular.
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