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Saima Rajput
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  • My Masters is in Biochem, PhD in Molecular Micro, and Post-Doc in Molecular Virol (I guess I am finally settled now).

    Yes I know Dr. Shahana very well; I guess when you were still studying in the high School (around 97), I entered in HEJ for the PhD program, and I know her since than as a couple of most dear friends of mine were doing MPhil and PhD under her supervision.

    As far as Tassawwuf and Shariah being two different things is concerned, this is an incorrect perception. Every true soofi believes in Shariah and follows it as it is taught by Muhammed (PBUH). You need to read books written on this subject to get rid of this false impression.
    So you are Shahana's (urooj Kazmi) student? Which batch?

    Regarding the sufism... There is no such thing as sufism, its a recent misleading term coined to counter the Islami shariah. As far as Tassawwuf is concerned, yes, I believe in it, but not in the tassawwuf that only talks about Tareeqat and ignores Shariah.
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