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  • I didn't say Islam was an Arab religion. Ideologies and religions are universal and have no national boundaries in my opinion. But Arab girls like to shove their religion in your throat. I've seen some of them trying their best to convince and persuade me that their beliefs are right and I'm mistaken. Now it's not because Arab girls are stupid or ignorant, it's because they feel they have a responsibility to guide others and it's out of kindness, but it's still very annoying.

    Well, why you would believe in them? Aren't they superstitions?
    I see. You argue with ashokdeiva like Arab girls. No offense intended though brother. lol
    But anyway, why would you care about what others think about God? and about prophecies?
    Ya. I think so. lol
    I'm a peaceful person, have never gotten banned on the forum yet. (Although I might get soon, but haven't gotten banned so far) lol.
    By the way, why you wanted to know the reason anyway? I'm just curious.
    You're talking to the wrong person then. I've been posting all the time this week. Just check my posts and you'll see my friend.
    Also what is the mental and physical gain that Allah has shown you? can you list me your gains, Did Allah write your exams, Did Allah made to prosperous? etc, Allah does not does any thing, nor does any God. They if exist just keep away from man to evolve and start thinging about co-existing with out offending each other.
    the same question "What if its too late is the reason that you guys have pathetically failed in your quest for the Ummah.
    I live in INDIA, let me ask you are question,
    Does God favour the ritious, noble people or will he favour some fool who thinks that he is fighting Gods war to convert every one to one single religion.
    and about conversion, let me tell you some thing if a person converts because some one other than God inspired him to do so, then he/she is the greatest sinner as he is not failing his/her forefathers who followed and created a code of living.
    and if God exist he is not interested in a mans faith but the mans honor and nobility and compasion, etc good traits that he exhibits during his life time.
    I do not know when and where God revealed you all that or you are just following some Mullah who teaches you that,

    if what you happens say, then I'll accept that God exist and you can be my teacher in me reaching God until then this is all false.
    may be for now if you can ask God for this month to reveal you the Indian Stocks or atleast Gobal Gold/Oil price that would be a great help from God for me to make some quick buck, I hope God does want me to be happy if he is out there as I have not commited any sin in my life so far
    so you mean to say that he ceated us just to worship,
    not to have sex and reproduce? not to have fun? not to protect other animals (which we as a community are failing to do), not to protect the man next to you? etc. In short he wants us to be dumb to sing about him day and night.
    I am a HINDU, and the God in me guides me, my selfconciousness is my God.
    if he is so powerful why does he need people to worship him/her?
    i do not belive God exist and it will be a failure for you to convince me otherwise.
    I am a person who strongly belive that every action i do will have equal reaction in my future, I do good to people in turn i earn their respect and friendship. and vies versa
    I see god in a person who forgives, I see god in a person who does not take revenge for his loss. I see god in a person who seeks forgiveness.
    if God as per your description is a person of super abilities to perform miracle then I don't see him in my real life. if he exist i don't know what was he doing when man commited sin from the time humans started walking on this planet. where was he when a sucide bomber killed women and children.
    if his is still out there, then he is deef, dumb and blind or he is no longer interested in the daily afires of man.
    I have not seen God nor have I heared from him about the umha or any thing else. Since my birth I have never seen the miracle of God, we Humans are a result of continues evolution of nature and nature is the one force that controls our behaviour.
    soory i am in office and i can not view youtube, but i am sure the video media came in the 21 century and the prophet time Video was some thing they might have not tought about.
    if there any writing of the prophet that says INDIA will launch a war when US will launch a war on Iran.
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