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  • mehh you side stepped the question, you seem to be backtracking from your statements. you really believe that current conflict is not really a conflict of territorial dispute or human dignity, but a war waged because of "hatred for the jews" and "infidels"? this is exactly what i meant earlier when i said your posts are riddled with political zeal. no rationally minded person can seriously come to this conclusion, it is flawed on so many levels it would be embarrassing trying to point them out.
    although i agree with you the arabs have lots of land and do very little with it, where israel has turned its land into wonders, the territory in dispute is not just any territory. it is of significant historical importance to muslims.
    PTeX can you be more clear, are you saying the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a war waged because of arab "hatred for jews"and all non-muslims or that all (or most) muslims are currently in engaged in this supposed war? i will respond once this is made clear.
    *puts sleeves down*
    now how do you know what i was taught? :s. i can tell you for a fact that i have never ever, been taught to "hate" Jews. I don't know why this belief is widespread among Israelis that Muslim preachers have nothing better to do than indoctrinate young children to hate jews, must be too much MEMRI, but i can tell you this is utter nonsense. Quran says of the Jews: "Among the followers of Moses there are those who guide in accordance with the truth, and the truth renders them righteous".7:159.
    as for the references to israel in quran..so what? you want the arabs to pack up and leave? no one is disputing Jewish connection to israel, however religious texts cannot be used as a basis for establishment of the israeli state. we live in the real world where jews and arabs must share the land, free of the religious dogma that natanyahu regularly invokes.
    hehe....at least my observations are grounded on reality, not IDF propaganda. i will call you out next time i get the chance.
    i suspected you had something to do with IDF.....your posts are always riddled with political zeal.
    surprised your 21 (same age as me), i always thought you to be some retired IDF soldier or something
    It is just a nickname,I named it after Boris Grishenko the programmer in the bond flick "Golden Eye".
    Just out of curiosity are you done with your 3 year compulsory service in the IDF.
    Hey PteX thanks for the message dude, it is nice to see you again! Take care my friend.
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