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  • well this do not really matter, i mean we just have to give them some respect and that is all!
    anyway, just keep up the good work and stick to the thread, there will be a good number juniors then you in sometime. the forum is getting really popular and lot of people are joining in!
    no, i mean i didnt understood why were you saying this. actually i thought you have posted it to me by mistake as our discussion was not about this issue!
    anyways, let us get over it!
    wasay as i said, nice to hera about you connections with MM Alams family!
    how are you doing on this forum? finding it ok or any problems!!

    take care!
    i am 22 years old!
    but can i ask why are you intrested in it??
    i mean it have not much to do in this forum. the relations here are defined by the ranks more then by age, i mean the way of addressing the other person, argumenting with anyone or all such things, while doing so all of us have to keep in mind the work he have done on this forum, his rank and his posts! at least i do it this way!
    wasy what actually brought to this forum, i mean is there is someone from your family in military service or what?

    take care!

    the reply to this message from your side was:

    our family has very far relation with mm alam's family
    and one reason can be that my maamo is al-badr veteran from 1971
    but the real reason can be known from my signature

    well bro, i am sorry but i didnt got your point!!
    anyway nice to know thatyou have realtions with a leagends family!
    i am 22 years old!
    but can i ask why are you intrested in it??
    i mean it have not much to do in this forum. the relations here are defined by the ranks more then by age, i mean the way of addressing the other person, argumenting with anyone or all such things, while doing so all of us have to keep in mind the work he have done on this forum, his rank and his posts! at least i do it this way!
    wasy what actually brought to this forum, i mean is there is someone from your family in military service or what?

    take care!
    sure i will go to the thread and check out the discussion over there, i guess all of must support the thing which is right, i expect the same from everyone else and try to the same!
    no, where did you picked that from?
    i am from Taxila, nera rawalpindi!
    so you are from karachi? doing ur BBA from Hamdard Karachi?
    no no, i am no crazy to go for M.Sc!!! no chance to go for an MSc, i am just thinking whether to do MBA or job!
    by the way from where are you doing your BBA?
    well i have done my BSc in textile engineering recently and now i am looking forward to either continue with my studies and go for MBA or just go for a job! Quite dispersed at the moment!
    what about you?
    Yes I have , you are one one who asked me about MM ALAM , yes we have done some carzy missions together. Its easy to say when writing it but when you have 8 migs on your butt now that is fun.
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