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  • What's up nightcrawler? Have you seen my reply? Does that answer your question?

    You are welcome to ask me anything relating to aero eng, I may not be able to give detailed answer in everything though as I'm still learning! At best what I've learned may only cover 5% of knowledge out there, the field is that vast.
    Hey, no problem bro!! I have already added u as friend. I see you're a chemical engineer too. Have you started working or plan to study further? Take care.
    I did not compare bro, all i said was in the aspect of elecronic, EW, sensor capability. Mir 2000 is still generation ahead of Mir 3-5 (MAESTRO, ROSE upgrade) in terms of general performance, but NOT in terms of avionics, radar, weapon carriage options, EW. This has been proved in tests, trials how reliable ROSE mir is against even blk 15s.
    I am garbageman... that's my job.

    Secondly, I don't use any sort of drugs, not even religion.
    sure you are free to ask questions about my formal or informal education
    what questions do you have?

    by the way what about yourself
    what did you study
    what are you studying now
    what are your interests
    do you likeiPOD?
    what do you think is better?
    an iPOD on its own or one with a taliban attached to it?

    thanks in advance for your answers
    My high respects to you, nightcrawler

    I am glad you are impressed and thanks for your compliments, I have been a fan of history since I was a child, I am just using my little history knowledge to counter disinformation campaign started by Indians. Indians are obsessed with Pakistanis, their history, their lands and their beauty. They know more about Pakistan than their own country.

    I am a civil engineer by profession but my love was for chemistry, I wanted to be chemical engineer but made the wrong decision and took civil engineer instead. Don’t have any interest in boring civil engineering so I like reading history a lot.

    No, I don't have any academic backround. I'm just an garbageman with my own opinions about the world.

    The exhaust nozzle shape affects the exhaust flow shape and this has been well known since the days of jet engine. We are talking about the actual physical mechanisms that give us the visual cues on whether a jet engine exhaust has a round or non-round shape. Kopp mentioned it...




    It is not a very well publicized area of study but there are plenty of practical applications where IR observation is important and IR sources must be controlled to some degrees. The reason why it is not common in military aviation is because of its more complex mechanical manufacturing processes to produce an airframe to accommodate the design. Not much more but more nonetheless, you can look at it like installing inlet shaping and air flow control mechanisms to the exhaust end.
    Currently I'm a financial consultant working for a pvt equity fund. I have an MBA in finance and a Msc in economics
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