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  • Why are you trolling?? Oil is our only source of income unless you want us to live in the dark ages??
    They won`t. Unless Hamas is destroyed and the entire population of Gaza which has the most hatred for Israel out of the arab world will need to be reeducated.
    Do you see themselves teaching to accept the Jews anytime soon? I don`t.
    His knowledge about Korea was indeed questionable. He betted his life that America would be the savior of Korea. I am glad to have read your posts and picked up a few useful and informative bits here and there. :)

    I am actually on the Chinese forum, just not so active. I am more of a reader there than a poster there.
    I enjoy the quick updates regarding China and other world affairs on this particular forum.
    Funny little posts with plenty of truths made my day. Sometimes the idiocracies on this forum makes me cringe. I thought the Korean guy was someone worth debating with until he started sprouting about warplans and nukes with utmost assurity :D
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