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  • Mate is kashmir singh the only spy in Pakistan jail??god knows what kinds of torture method our both countries using to make each others country men speak..

    and as for posting anti Pakistan article..hope you see how many anti India articles posting here in daily basis..so cant blame them..as responsible neighbours we are destined to hate each other :D
    hey..if we discuss it there it will be offtopic..yes the death was unfortunate..but you really think your country is not doing nothing like this??every country is torturinge nemy country spies to get the information they wanted..most of the times they cover it up..i am sure that its not the only died by Indian hands and not the last one too..same can be said about your country too ...
    Thanx bro, I was in pakistan for 22 year, my pakistani bro's r very gud. Pak is my 2nd home. Nice 2 knw u. Wsalam Pakistan Zindabad Afghanistan PaindaAbad
    How are you my man? yes its been long since our last contact, however i am on the forum and very regular and staying online for about at least 20 hours a day. But honestly speaking the forum is filling with puss day by day and hence nothing much to contribute, Although i still love this place a lot.
    Any how what new developments on your side?

    LOL Yes that was me. I'd rather be called anything than be called indian. HAHAHAHAHAHA
    Thanks, i really enjoy this forum, i'm sure i'll be a sinior member many times over.
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