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  • I have responded to your allegations on "PAKISTAN: Afghans Find Their Welcome Running Out" thread. If you have any further objections please post a VM or PM to me and I'll be happy to reply. The discussion was indeed getting OT.

    It is easy to misinterpret someone who opposes one point in your post as someone opposed to your entire ideology. Do not make that mistake. :)

    great. nice to have a different perspective and that too of a women (assuming that ur a girl) lol
    That's why i was a supporter, not anymore. There were many reasons to support them. I will not go into detail. Their last term was better but now they are just pathetic. Yeah now i am thinking that Tahreek-e-insaaf should be given a chance and i have noticed many people are thinking this way.
    Whooaa! Why PML-N? They are a bunch of incompetent fools working for their own agendas. I never liked them. Anyways the tide is turning, more and more people are now supporting tehreek e insaf. Hope they could sweep the polls next time around.
    Hi Mehru...Thanks for welcoming me....What interested me is that you are from Islamabad.....Although I am from India,I have a great fascination for Islamabad..I have heard a lot about this city....If you don't mind,could you share some information about Islamabad with me??....I mean.....exact location,culture,food,people,climate,sight-seeing,etc....Thanks!
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