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Lockheed F-16

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  • Not much bro. what you up to. I got a hate message from some Indian jerk but he was taken care of by agnostic muslim.
    Happy New (English) Year Captain.... Wish 2009 brings to you happiness and prosperity...
    well as i told you before, i am a citizen of the republican union of india as india is actually not a monolithic nation, rather a union of different nations in terms of language, ethnicity, cult, culture and regional variations.. unfortunately, it is only the cow belt or aryavarta which by forcefully imposing the sanskrit originated language and religion based belief systems on others, claims to be the custodians of the whole indian susbcontinent.... thus other contending voices are just silenced either by force or by kautilyan diplomacy... Anyway, i am a Phd student of history and by ideology, entirely a radical leftist.... though officially i am a hindu by religion, but since i am a communist, in reality i cannot claim to be a hindu... you can say i am a hindu by accident and not by choice... i am new on this forum and i like this forum as it is something i find very serious whether in political ideology or in religio-cultural overtones... And thank you captain for replying me....
    Inquilab Zindabad Captain.... I am more a communist than a citizen of the Republican Union of India.... hope we both become good friends....

    So how is Germany/Deutschland? As a Pakistani living there please share your experience...Thanks
    Welcome back to the forum.

    And I hope you repay the faith of the moderators/admins who have vouched for your good conduct.

    You seem an intelligent guy - use that intelligence by thinking through and analying events and looking for sources that validate your POV.
    You will have to contact webmaster for that.

    You can also contact him if you are interested in updating or contributing to any of the sections. Check his signature.
    hi, behave your self , & mind your language, dont send any messege again to me ever, or i can put all this nonsense of your in front of modrtors. bye
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