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  • I already have an avatar "Insaaf Chahiye bass !!" its the slogan of PTI. by the way its a damn good proposition. If you want my avatar i can post it online !
    Inshallah brother.

    I don't know how would he cope if some hypocrites make it into the national assembly - the opposition I'm talking about. MQM, PMLN and PPP/ANP etc. They are a bunch of high level crooks and to get along with or convince them on something - is going to be tough task for IK but I certainly wish IK best of luck and Inshallah I'm going to vote for him in the coming election and even would run a campaign.
    I personally didn't attend it because I had some work to do but my friend that went told me that it's a huge crowd there and many people showed up. I might go and join them soon.
    Wikileaks nowadays has become just like a divine revelation sort of thing where anyone would take it as utmost truth, which unfortunately is not the case. Now, one can conclude two things from all this.

    1. Pak Army wants to make things straight both at the diplomatic and defense level - sovereignty and safety of the country and countrymen (but I certainly doubt this option the way events and affairs are unfolding)
    2. The Americans/PakArmy needs an aggressive President/PM who oneway or the other would challenge their writ giving them/world an excuse to start a full blown war against Pakistan with the complicit of PA resulting in dividing Pakistan into different parts and also getting away the nuclear stockpile and eventually all blames goes to IK and his party, just a repeat of 71 and Kargil. (continued)
    ...You may have noticed a great deal of his popularity nowadays is due to the support of Army and intelligence agencies, which IK has declined so many times but again it's for the consumption of us Mango people (lol). You may have seen IK lately on countless number of talk shows etc. Every single channel is after him to be a part of their talk show or live calls during the news. Wikileaks had also given their revelations about IK stating ''the only Pakistani politician out of the American influence''. He was able to stop NATO's supply for two days in Peshawar and now he's up for doing it again in Karachi. I know, and you may also share the same point of view, but no politician on his own can do such thing while there's American interests involved. 70pc of the wikileaks revelations are about Pakistan. (continued)
    Yaar, the deception nowadays is in it's full thrust. You can't believe anyone for anything and I'm so sick of this media and their hypocrisy. I whole heartedly support IK and his cause and he's the person who can take out Pakistan from this mess but I sense that IK is being used for something sinister, something which I only feel but cannot express but let me give it a try. (continue on next post)
    Salam Brother,

    Hope you and yours are well in health.

    You know what, I just came to know through my sources, the attack on FC in Shabqadar last week were by an American drone. Also I met last night an injured of that incident and he shared the same sort of thing, that, we only heard a voice/sound of a rocket/missile or something like that and boooom the blast happened in the middle of where the passing out parade were taking place. How could a suicide bomber take 120 people along with him is beyond a sane person's imagination.

    Yaaar Allah hi apna hafiz hay...
    Yes sir I know!!

    Its just, Pakistan Army has started shattering our hopes and disappointing citizens!

    Anyways, My eyes are always seeking the news of sucess, like the one you mentioned !!
    Assalam u Alaikum.

    My motto:

    Think Positive,
    Act Positive,
    Be Positve :))

    And look on the latest thread, ISPR denies the WikiLeak cable about drone attack !!
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